If your goal is to lose weight and burn fat, the key to success is calorie deficit.
There is no better diet than another, the only thing that matters is staying in a calorie deficit.
this is achieved with the right diet and moving more so as to burn more calories during the day.
After that you can insert a whole series of substances that help in this sense.
Anavar however would not be my first choice for fat loss. unless you have a muscle mass that you have to "protect" from the catabolism given by low food.
In general, all drugs with adrenergic activity, selective agonist of β2-adrenergic receptors such as the famous and abused clenbuterol.
Bronchodilators, asthma products.
... endless list
Thermogenic products
thyroid hormones T3 - T4
DNP (do not touch it!)
yohimbine (affects alpha receptors and also makes hunger go away, great product)
ECA stack
... another endless list
SARMs* such as GW (cardarine) and S4
HGH or the better HGH frag 176-191
A whole list of more or less dangerous products ... but at least they are not ANDROGENS like anavar.
Let us know what you decide to do so we can help you further
remember that sarms are not androgenic like steroids, except for some special cases, but that unlike the aas they are not yet much studied and there are no long-term studies/cases on what they really do in the human body, so they are not to be consider as safe as other more known drugs.