I’m at 9 what? I only count 6 sets total that’s pretty low for back back imo. The cable pull overs are warm ups just to get blood in the lats so I don’t count those and traps and rear delts. I don’t really count as back I just do them in the same day bc it’s a pull days
I’m at 9 what? I only count 6 sets total that’s pretty low for back back imo. The cable pull overs are warm ups just to get blood in the lats so I don’t count those and traps and rear delts. I don’t really count as back I just do them in the same day bc it’s a pull days
Machine side lateral - 1 top set with double drop set
Incline smith press - 1 top and back off
Flat HS press - 1 top set
Nautilus press narrow grip - 1 top set with double drop set
DB side lateral - sets of 10 working up until you cant get 10
Straight bar cable push down - 2 sets
Overhead DB extension - 1 top set