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Approved Log LeanBulk Pre-cycle Training log

sounds like he should try steroids
get him some para pharma for his bday
So would this be he proper time/way to take the gear

Week 1 to 8
50 andarine, twice a day AM and PM
25 cardarine twice a day AM and PM
25 RAD 140
25 Ligandrol twice a day AM and PM
50mg anavar twice a day AM and PM
7 cap N2guard twice a day AM and PM
1 mil Armidex every two days

weeks 1 to 6
30 milligrams Dianabol 2 times a day AM PM lunch

weeks 8 to 12
50 clomid
50 novaldex
1 bottle HC generate

(Are Umbrella Labs SARM really legit? i have abuddy who took a cycle of RAD 140 Ligandrol Stenablic and Cardarine and diden gain a pound)
To me, that is good. I would even just choose 1 SERM in your PCT. Either clomid or nolva.
Hi all, sorry for the break, training and diet have continued as per usual, given what you all ahve said and that myr products have arrived a few days ago (and im still waiting for umbrella labs) here is teh schedule im thinking of

week 1
7:30 4 caps N2guard

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

1;30 3 caps N2guard

6,00 10 mlg dbol

9:00 nutruzol 677 3 caps

week 2

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 3

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 4

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 5
Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 6

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

weeks 7-10

Novladex 0.5 mlg

clomid 1 mlg

HC2generate i bottle a day

How many times a day?
Hi all, sorry for the break, training and diet have continued as per usual, given what you all ahve said and that myr products have arrived a few days ago (and im still waiting for umbrella labs) here is teh schedule im thinking of

week 1
7:30 4 caps N2guard

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

1;30 3 caps N2guard

6,00 10 mlg dbol

9:00 nutruzol 677 3 caps

week 2

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 3

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 4

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 5
Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

week 6

Tuesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

8 am Anavar 12.5 mlg dbol 10 mlg

12 dbol 10 mlg

6,00 10 mlg dbol

Wednesday 0.5 mlg Arimidex

weeks 7-10

Novladex 0.5 mlg

clomid 1 mlg

HC2generate i bottle a day

How many times a day?
@AdriGeyer welcome back
on the pct hcgenerate you mean 5 caps per day
nolvadex you need 40mgs ed
clomid 25mgs ed
but you need 5 weeks pct
you dont need 0.5mgs arimidex with so little dbol
0.25mgs enough eod

n2guard 3 caps is fine but bump to 5 caps on some days too

hows your training? we need updates on training food
and we havent seen a pic of you face blurred yet i think
just some adjustments to dosing is needed
i think nolva 10mg is good
some good things happening
adjust your AI dosing as you go
I would make sure that you update us constantly
if things change it doesn't hurt to change something
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