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First-time Pre-Test Cycle Bloodwork - 5'8 and 150 lbs 26M

I'm currently looking to add 20-30 lbs of muscle while cutting a bit of fat. I assure everyone that this is without any sort of test supplementation. I've been told my free test is on the high side being *just* above the reference range which I partially attribute to ashwagandha supplementation.

I eat pretty clean at 3.3k-3.4k kcals daily on bulk but struggle to get enough in sometimes. My regimen consists of compound lifts and full body sessions 3x a week, but am planning to up it once I hop on.
I'm currently looking to add 20-30 lbs of muscle while cutting a bit of fat. I assure everyone that this is without any sort of test supplementation. I've been told my free test is on the high side being *just* above the reference range which I partially attribute to ashwagandha supplementation.

I eat pretty clean at 3.3k-3.4k kcals daily on bulk but struggle to get enough in sometimes. My regimen consists of compound lifts and full body sessions 3x a week, but am planning to up it once I hop on.
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@SIERRA996 welcome to Anabolex and we appreciate you sharing your blood work. Interestingly, your testosterone is already high so it means you're a good responder.

The issue is you have high estrogen E2 as well which will impact your cycle. This means aromasin is a MUST.

For your first cycle, I suggest a very simple testosterone and anavar cycle.

Week 1-12
500mgs testosterone enanthate/week (split dose Monday/thursday injections)
50mgs anavar/day (week 1-8)
7caps n2guard/day (organ liver support crucial on cycle)
10mgs aromasin/EOD (anti estrogen Ai)

cardarine gw

And you need to keep a log journal diary with your diet, training, cardio, supplements so we can guide this first cycle for you for maximum results and minimum mistakes. You should start the LOG now so we can adjust your diet before you even start the cycle.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your diet, training details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: First testosterone anavar cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
500mg testosterone 100% needed 50mgs var option n2guard a must with aromasin and log is a must

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
I want to make sure im understanding and reading this correctly

Did you imply you want to gain 20-30 lbs of muscle and drop body fat ??
I mean, not at the same time or all at once, just eventually haha. Sorry for the confusion. The goal has been set for like 2-3 cycles.
I mean, not at the same time or all at once, just eventually haha. Sorry for the confusion. The goal has been set for like 2-3 cycles.
ok, i was hoping so but you didnt make that clear.. having the right understanding and expectations is something that needs to be understood before ever starting anything like this..
Feedback noted. Dialing in expectations. Adjusting dosages. Cheers yall
@SIERRA996 maybe 10lbs of muscle and drop bodyfat possible for first cycle but 20lbs unlikely.

Are you going to post a LOG journal for us to see? you should do it now, start posting diet training so we can prep you for the cycle. Last minute it will be too late. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
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