yes it is fake food. it is chemically altered and processed. read what is in protein powder and learn how it is produced. they take something already processed and process it over and over into a powder. they then add sweeteners and other things so that suckers buy it. it is a scam.
humans are the only species on earth that puts chemically altered food in our bodies. we also do the same to our domestic pets and livestock. all of the above have tons of sicknesses not found in nature like diabetes, mental illness, obesity, cancer, gut problems, etc. and then of course you have some wild animals exposed to our chemicals running into water and land with the same issues that are man made.
now is there high quality protein powder minimally processed out there? i have seen them. n2bm used to sell a product with only 6 ingredients which were all natural. but 99% of protein powder has like 20 fake ingredients