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Approved Log Old Man Cycle #2

Sounds great man. Not surprised on how you are feeling with the test dose. Even though most would consider it low, it is still double what a TRT dose would be. Looking forward to the updates!
Hey bros. It's been a while and I missed chatting with you.While I was not active for the last couple months, I have checked in time to time and caught up. Not much has changed around here, which is nice to know there are still a few constants in this crazy world.

So here is my deal. If I were younger with fewer issues, I would probably post a lot more, but I am at the stage in life that I know my body and sometimes I just don't want to hear everyone's opinion before I gather accurate first hand data. That is what I have been doing to a degree. Now I am ready to hear opinions, should you want to throw them down!

A couple things.

First off...if you recall a blood test in November my liver enzymes were elevated and I was convinced it was because either the SARMS were liver toxic or because I did not use N2Gaurd. Upon learning about the elevated results I started using a regime of organ support sups and expected the levels to drop. Unfortunately, they did not. I got another blood test in January and they were higher and the only thing I was taking for the past month was my TRT(yes I started it and it is awesome) and GW 501516.

My doc scheduled a liver ultrasound and I was diagnosed with "MILD" fatty liver. I am heading to a specialist next week to discuss at length because here are the causes of a fatty liver:

high cholesterol
high trigluycerides

Of which I have never had one! Not one. I asked my family doc if the supplements could cause it and he said without question no.

I am baffled.

In other news, I am pretty sure I tore my right meniscus for a second time. Unfortunately, I did not do it training or doing anything cool. Instead I hyper flexed it while ripping out a bathroom floor!

Spent the last month in PT 3x/week trying to avoid surgery. It ain't working well, so I am heading in next week for an MRI and prob surgery within the next month.

This will be my third knee surgery, so I know what to a degree. My last was 4 years ago and recovery time increases with age, so I guess we shall see.

I have not looked anything because all my efforts have been on maintaining what I have and attending to my injury.

Basically, plugging leaks in the damn.

That's all I got boys.

I hope everyone is well! Looking forward to catching up.
Hey bros. It's been a while and I missed chatting with you.While I was not active for the last couple months, I have checked in time to time and caught up. Not much has changed around here, which is nice to know there are still a few constants in this crazy world.

So here is my deal. If I were younger with fewer issues, I would probably post a lot more, but I am at the stage in life that I know my body and sometimes I just don't want to hear everyone's opinion before I gather accurate first hand data. That is what I have been doing to a degree. Now I am ready to hear opinions, should you want to throw them down!

A couple things.

First off...if you recall a blood test in November my liver enzymes were elevated and I was convinced it was because either the SARMS were liver toxic or because I did not use N2Gaurd. Upon learning about the elevated results I started using a regime of organ support sups and expected the levels to drop. Unfortunately, they did not. I got another blood test in January and they were higher and the only thing I was taking for the past month was my TRT(yes I started it and it is awesome) and GW 501516.

My doc scheduled a liver ultrasound and I was diagnosed with "MILD" fatty liver. I am heading to a specialist next week to discuss at length because here are the causes of a fatty liver:

high cholesterol
high trigluycerides

Of which I have never had one! Not one. I asked my family doc if the supplements could cause it and he said without question no.

I am baffled.

In other news, I am pretty sure I tore my right meniscus for a second time. Unfortunately, I did not do it training or doing anything cool. Instead I hyper flexed it while ripping out a bathroom floor!

Spent the last month in PT 3x/week trying to avoid surgery. It ain't working well, so I am heading in next week for an MRI and prob surgery within the next month.

This will be my third knee surgery, so I know what to a degree. My last was 4 years ago and recovery time increases with age, so I guess we shall see.

I have not looked anything because all my efforts have been on maintaining what I have and attending to my injury.

Basically, plugging leaks in the damn.

That's all I got boys.

I hope everyone is well! Looking forward to catching up.
Good update @Maverick602

can you put up a LOG of your surgery and hows its going and what you doing to recover? we need a LOG journal of surgery and post surgery plans

like the one on EF

please get something posted

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My Knee Surgery and Recovery Log

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
come back to us and share a log it will make going thru surgery easier trust us
Good update @Maverick602

can you put up a LOG of your surgery and hows its going and what you doing to recover? we need a LOG journal of surgery and post surgery plans

like the one on EF

please get something posted

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My Knee Surgery and Recovery Log
If and when I get surgery, I will LOG it. Thanks bro
Where did you source the sarms?
Sarms4Sale and Umbrella Labs

My liver was perfectly fine in March 2022. I started my first Sarms cycle (100% Sarms4Sale) early May 2022 and wrapped it up in August. I started a second cycle in October, but never fully launched it because 2 weeks in I got my first set of test results indicating elevated enzymes.
A few more thoughts:

I do not drink. Ever. I have been sober for 14 years. Not a drop, so my liver issue is technically classified as a "non alcoholic fatty liver" (NAFLD)

Also, I neglected to add in one additional potential cause for NAFLD

high cholesterol
high trigluycerides

So as far as poor diet goes, here's the deal. I am 49 years old. For 45 of those 49 years I ate clean as a whistle...basically the Mediterranean diet. I am Italian, so olive oil is in my freakin blood, little sugar, clean protein (usually venison because I am a die hard big game hunter) and lots of veggies including a salad 5x per week.

However, about 4 years ago I went on KETO diet for about 18 months straight. Stayed very lean and had a ton of energy. Most of it was "clean KETO", but I definitely ate bacon and other saturated fats more than I never did previously.

After 18 months I became uncomfortable with it long term and decided to stop and return to my Mediterranean roots. However, I will admit, I intermittently ate more saturated fats for the past 2 years than I had previously, but it was not like I was eating fast food multiple times per week or bacon every day.

I am not cut from that cloth like many of you. If I eat like shit, I feel like shit, so I choose to eat clean.

Despite the slight increase in saturated fats in my diet the last two years, I just cannot believe I could develop a fatty liver as a result. Especially after eating clean my entire life.

This is why I am going to see a liver specialist. I have to nip this shit in the bud right now before it becomes an issue. Luckily I caught it early and the liver is resilient if you treat it well.

If anyone has experience with something similar, please let me know.

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