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Approved Log Testosterone Trenbolone Equipoise Napsgear Puritysourcelabs Log

I'm glad you recognized the issue and you stop the use of steroids
it's important not to hurt yourself or others
Guys sorry to say but I'm calling it on this cycle. I've switched over to a maintenance TRT dose as of this week. I don't know if the EQ 600mg per week has caused me psychological issues but I am on and off like a light switch. One day I'm fine and then one little thing occurs at home and I'm experiencing jealousy, paranoia, and depression. Perhaps an underlying problem was brought to the surface through the gear but I know I've never felt like this with testosterone.

A month ago I was fine. I don't see this as being a tren effect unless the psychological issues last a month or more after the last dose. I also did not have any issues on tren until I increased the dose to 380mg.

I don't know why or what is causing this but it's a horrible feeling so need to cut everything off and hopefully my mental state returns to normal within a few weeks. Next run I'm going to stick with a shorter cycle 7-8 weeks and I'll really need to reevaluate the doses. This was my 2nd attempt at a cycle longer than 10 weeks and cannot pull it off.

Any input on this matter is greatly appreciated.
Gotta have head right
Sorry fellas for the long absence. I basically found the culprit the next few days after my post. I was throwing some winstrol in the mix at 50mg per day. I was only using it about 12 days when the depression came over me. 2 days after I stopped I was fine and have been great ever since. Hopefully sharing this experience will help others. This cycle was a great learning experience. I'm not quite ready to run with the big dogs, but im improving.

Bottom line to anyone trying gear they haven't used, "respect the gear and the dose"

Work has kept me slammed but still hitting the log hard. I won't post daily but going to keep the updates coming on this log. I'm currently working on a lean bulk while running trt 175mg per wk. I may run the lean bulk through December and then start cutting in late January. My goal is to add 5-10lbs of lean muscle when my cut is complete next next year. Will update with macros and workout tomorrow!
Sorry fellas for the long absence. I basically found the culprit the next few days after my post. I was throwing some winstrol in the mix at 50mg per day. I was only using it about 12 days when the depression came over me. 2 days after I stopped I was fine and have been great ever since. Hopefully sharing this experience will help others. This cycle was a great learning experience. I'm not quite ready to run with the big dogs, but im improving.

Bottom line to anyone trying gear they haven't used, "respect the gear and the dose"

Work has kept me slammed but still hitting the log hard. I won't post daily but going to keep the updates coming on this log. I'm currently working on a lean bulk while running trt 175mg per wk. I may run the lean bulk through December and then start cutting in late January. My goal is to add 5-10lbs of lean muscle when my cut is complete next next year. Will update with macros and workout tomorrow!
@jw3man great to see you back bro :)
you saying winstrol caused your depression?
whats is the winstrol brand you using?

and can you start posing some updates at least bro :) weekly to start lets get your diet macros and training for the anabolex family up :) we miss you
i am not sure why winstrol would cause depression. that would be something to research if true
the obvious answer is your estrogen dropped too much and that caused it but that is speculation
very possible you had issues from Winstrol
I would avoid it in the future
good news is winstrol isn't a steroid you need
a lot of people don't use it
yes you should always respect the gear
these are very powerful hormones
some people just don't react good to steroids
and certain steroids will give you different reactions
I'm glad you figure it out what was going on
now keep us updated and see if your Theory comes to fruition
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