Just turned 47 this week and want to check with you guys if I can use some tren with my tRT. I am on 200mgs of test cyp/week right now from doctor but I want to add tren.
Should I be worried about sides?
I want to get real shredded and lean its good.
If you stack tren with test, be careful, you want to moderate tren intake. start with enanthate dont use acetate for trenbolone and use 200mgs/week with tren enan add some cardarine gw 20mgs/day and 30cardazol for cardio.
if your lipid health checks out then go for it. if it doesn't then you really have no business touching tren or really any steroid.
my rule is this. your resting heart rate needs to be under 65 and you need to be able to run a 8 minute mile. that will tell you how healthy your heart is cause i guarantee on tren it will go downhill fast
can you? yes you can... should you is the better question... at 47, why? i guess thats the best question i can think of... i had enough of it and im not even 40 but to each their own... i just cant see the need for it at that age
I'm in my late 50's (use Sust 250 bi-weekly). I have been on Tren in my early 40's. It gave me fantastic results. The side effects of night sweats and a noticeable increase in aggression were probably easier to tolerate then. 200 mgs of Cyp weekly should be enough. Dial in your diet and and your workouts (probably nothing new here ) Have you considered adding a small amount of anti estrogen while on?