Monday 9/12/2024
After the weekend off I hit a big upper body session to bounce back into the week. Doing all my standard movements but my tricep push downs definitely aren’t standard anymore.- especially with the 100mg anadrol pre workout I’m able to rep out 60kg push downs for up to 6 reps on my heavy set which is kind of insane as before I started PEDs I could barely manage 40kg.
I’m actually writing this early Tuesday morning as I had an early night last night and so shortly after finishing this I’ll be headed to the gym to hit chest and I’ll throw in some legs as well as legs have been neglected for a while from me.
When it comes to upper body I think the next movement I want to try really improve on are bicep curls. Biceps are a smaller muscle group so I can hit them more often, and I can’t lie it looks pretty mean seeing some unit in the gym curling crazy weight so I might do a bicep curl finisher every other day to bring the arms up to that level.
Other than that I’m loving the improvement as per usual and look forward to logging a few more times this week. See some good and a post workout pic below.
Cheers guys