I’m using protein powder and creatine post workout
I’m also making sure to take a bath with epsom salt. I have a big tub at home lol and my gf makes fun of me.
I don't seem to be recovering well on my current supplement program. What can i change?
I bought some whey protein powder a year ago and it's been sitting in my pantry
I decided to start working out again so I started using it
getting a couple Scoops into my drink today and it tasted really funny. I drank it anyway and was okay.
next day I tried it again and it tasted weird in my...
I'm seeing a lot of supplements being put out that have a mixture of different things in them
like I see products with whey protein and creatine in the same tub. Do you think there's any type of advantage to using these mixes or should I buy them individually and use them separately
Any supplements exist out there that are not any type of powder that you have to mix and I can just take to get in my daily protein requirements.
that would be a heck of a lot easier than having to prep food and pay all that money for actual food
What are the best protein bars today that you guys are messing around with
it seems like there are so many different options. Just for fun I counted the amount of protein bars in the store and they were 55 different ones. Which ones do you like?
I need help with a supplement so I can get some more protein in my diet
I'm looking for something that will boost the amount I'm getting every day. Right now I'm getting 200 g I would like to double that amount to 400 gram so I can get more muscle
I have a friend who bought me a tub of naked Mass weight gainer protein supplement
It has 1250 calories per serving and 50g of protein.
Seems pretty good. has anyone tried this and can it help me gain weight?
I know that everyone says that you're supposed to mix your protein powder with water that's the best thing to do others say that you should take it with milk
let's say I choose to do neither. and I want to take it with soda the kind of drown out the paste
would taking it with soda or seltzer...
I'm not one to like to miss a meal and if I do I seem to get lightheaded.
I'm going to be doing a long track in the Appalachians backpacking and I wanted to take some protein bars with me so I can keep my protein level up. which ones would you recommend for something like this
Best supplements out there that I can take in between Cycles to help me keep my results and feel good?
I've used different things like protein powder and creatine but it doesn't seem like it's doing enough to help me.
So I used to work from home so I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
getting enough protein and carbs was no problem
my job though is changing and I will be working remotely on the road
I can pack what I can pack to take with me in a vehicle and I'll be driving all day
some of the...
Do you know what protein powder I can use that won't give me gynecomastia or bitch tits?
a friend of mine said that when he was 18 that it happened to him, sounds pretty ridiculous but I wasn't sure what you guys thought about that. I am only Twenty-One years old I don't want to end up with issues
what are the best ways to make protein shakes while they taste the best and also they help me build the most muscle I can build
is it possible to buy one of these from the local Vitamin Shoppe, if so which branch should I look for if not Which online store should I get it from
I am not getting enough protein in my diet and I am worried that I am leaving a lot of muscle gains on the table. Can you tell me a little bit about how I can supplement my way to grab some extra hundred grams of protein per day
I’m going to start up a new diet, I have been eating way too much junk food and it is time to eat halthier. Let me know what you think about this.
3 meals a day
1500 calories
I am 176 pounds
total numbers 190g protein, 90g carbs, 110g fats
I'm tired of taking protein powders they make me sick. Is there a protein and a pill that I can take that will give me the same benefits When I can't have a meal
worried about losing muscle since I dropped a protein powder
how much stock do you put in how much protein and calories is a protein powder has
wouldn't a protein powder that has too much protein be suspicious maybe they are lying about that. Also would calories if it has a lot of protein wouldn't it also have a lot of calories so how do you differentiate...
I'm looking to take a protein powder that won't upset my stomach but that is also easy to digest. I've use protein powders before and I've been having a lot of gas from them. I also realize that protein is very important and I should be getting them with shakes not just from food
I'm looking for a brand of whey protein powder that is natural and doesn't have any type of fake ingredients or processed ingredients. Is such a thing even out there? The reason is I just don't have time to cook or pack food when I go to work and it's much easier to down a shake
I was having this argument the other day with a buddy of mine at the gym who is also a supplement representative for one of the top companies online. He was saying that protein powder was a good idea for cutting because it won't add any calories to your daily number but it will boost your muscle...