So I’m five weeks into my testosterone cycle. Something is definitely up. When I was two or three weeks into it I reached out to goroids and let them know that this product didn’t feel right. I usually can feel a change pretty quickly when I get on testosterone because I naturally have low...
So my suspicions have been confirmed, I got blood work done on suppdirect gear
Testosterone. I used 500 mg a week. Got my blood work done in the number only was 1500. That’s way too low. I think I should be, at least three or four thousand, right?
This stuff is definitely fake. I haven’t had any...
I’m looking at using testosterone on this upcoming cycle. Its been a steroid that has been good to me. I get very good libido, strength, and muscle mass on it so its my bread/butter steroid
My question is what should i use with it if i decide to do 500mgs a week
I'm currently 28 years old and...
How many of you on here have tried using tren ace at 50mgs a day with some testosterone?
a lot of guys say that 75 mg is the minimum but I would like to try 50 mg to keep my side effects more lower this time. I'm also going to use testosterone propane with it maybe 100 mg every other day
Has anyone ever heard of the product called six star Pro nutrition testosterone booster?
I heard this stuff is supposed to be really good at increasing libido and helping with other issues within the body
testosterone levels right now are pretty average and I would like to get them up a couple...
Is it possible to do a lean bulk on testosterone only? or would I be better served stacking it with something equipoise or primobolan at high doses?
Thinking of doing 1000mgs of EQ or primo and then low dose test, like maybe 150-200mgs
Or would i be better off just doing 600mgs of test solo with...
So I have used testosterone before on a couple Cycles
the first cycle I did testosterone 500 mg a week
second cycle I went 750 but I also stacked an oral steroid dbol but it was way too much side effects and felt like i was bloated the whole way
This time i want to stack an injectable but not...
Gonna do my first injectable cycle
First 3 cycles were just orals and pro hormones
My question is what is your favorite testosterone and what would you recommend for someone who's injecting it for the first time?
I'm looking to do 500 to 750 mg a week and I'm also looking to do something that's...
domestic Supply is a really good source based on the reviews that I've read so I want to give them a shot. the issue is their website is very overwhelming for a newbie
I'm just looking to pick up some testosterone and run it for 10 weeks. there are so many different choices types and brands that...
27 yrs old
6’1’’ 180 pounds
I'm currently doing 300 mg of testosterone cypionate
I’m about 7 weeks into cycle
didn't really see much crazy changes but I can definitely tell I'm on gear
decided to get my blood work done. total testosterone levels or maxed out 1500+
So my gear is g2g
However my...
I'm going to be doing 500 mg of testosterone enanthate
it will be my second cycle
first time I ran my cycle I did not do my research and did not run anything with it. I guess I was lucky cuz I came out of it okay
but I don't want to tempt Faith the second time. what are the required ancillaries...
I had a wonderful experience using geneza pharma recently and wanted to post up a review of what happened
Started the cycle at around 190 lb and I'm 6'1. this is the first time I have ever used steroids and I'm 28 years old
12 weeks on testosterone enanthate
overall I put on around 14 lb. that...
I’m not feeling well lately, getting a lot of anxiety and feeling depressed after my recent breakup
Got caught on cycle
On this stack:
Testosterone 250mgs a week
Masteron 50mgs per day
Trenbolone 100mgs EOD
The results are still good even though i feel like crap. I’m 8 weeks into cycle and was...
this is going to be my second cycle
first cycle I did 750 mg of testosterone by itself for 12 weeks. I put on about a pound per week
I ended up keeping about 7 lb
I'm now up to 212 lb and I'm 6'3 in and I'm 48 years old
would like to bulk up a little bit more to get up to maybe 220 to 225
I'm currently doing 1,250 mg a week of testosterone CYP
My side effects are as follows:
High blood pressure
I'm 52 years old and I am 6'1 180 pounds
I would say the first couple weeks I was okay but then when week 3 came it was really bad. what kind of advice do you have...
So i got myself some really good testosterone Cyp and a it's 250 mg per ML. and they came in amps that you crack open
Just wanted to keep a simple 12-week cycle. would you recommend that I pin this twice a week using one amp per injection? my friend has some experience in this and he recommended...
Just got my bloods back from the doctor and I’m using geneza pharma testosterone enanthate
I'm on week 6 and my testosterone levels are through the roof. blood work looks perfect
some of the nice benefits that I'm experiencing
very aggressive in the gym
appetite is awesome
Sex Drive is 24/7...
So my doctor has me on clomid and adex which has pushed my testosterone numbers to over 1000. I’m thinking of adding testosterone and masteron to this without him knowing because that is what my friend is doing
What would be the differences if I were to switch to using testosterone and drop the...
Seems like every cycle I do I get a lot of bloat
I’m wondering if it was just me or do you guys experience the same thing?
I’m currently 5’8’’ 155 pounds and around 10% body fat. And i’m 32 years old
My diet is pretty good. I eat a lot of good foods and such and i’m lean for my age group
But for...
I cycle for about 10 years straight from around 21 or 22 years old all the way into my 30s. then I took about three or four years off once covid hit and the gyms were starting to close
now I'm looking to get back into it. do you think that hopping on some testosterone maybe 500 or 600 mg a week...