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Scammer genuinely curious about all the hate for

I just typed a long ass reply talking a lot of shit but I deleted it, I'm not going to do that I don't need to talk shit or get nasty for the most part nobody on here has been nasty to me aside from the accusations that I was paid to post or that my labs were photoshopped. I started this thread asking a question about a source and then posted an update that I had a good experience with the source and that's it I have had a good experience and will continue to use the source, I don't care if anyone on this site uses the source. I also just placed an order with another source that isn't approved on this forum but has amazing reviews on other boards and they are running a promo right now so I was able to buy 6 vials of test c and 2 100 packs of var 50mg for $200, I won't post the source because I don't want to be accused of being a shill for another unapproved source.
@slim0983 basically you just proved to us you're working for thank you
well if you plan to shill for them at least share some pics and a LOG so we know you're fully using them haha

listen you clearly shilling, if you dont plan to tell the truth, best you go away
@slim0983 basically you just proved to us you're working for thank you
well if you plan to shill for them at least share some pics and a LOG so we know you're fully using them haha

listen you clearly shilling, if you dont plan to tell the truth, best you go away
It doesn't matter what I post, everyone on here will say I'm lying and if I post labs you will say they are photoshopped as has already happened on this thread. If you think me saying I don't really care if anyone on this site uses this source and that all I was doing was say I genuinely had a good experience with this source means I work for them, I don't really know what to say I'm not going to make a log for a bunch clowns that only shill for naps and domestic-supply (they are great sources I'm not knocking them) to say everything I put in the log is false or photoshopped you are fucking retarded. If I don't plan to tell the truth I best go away the truth is I had a great fucking experience with this source, a little more truth you can kiss my asshole 🎯 with your tongue out.
It doesn't matter what I post, everyone on here will say I'm lying and if I post labs you will say they are photoshopped as has already happened on this thread. If you think me saying I don't really care if anyone on this site uses this source and that all I was doing was say I genuinely had a good experience with this source means I work for them, I don't really know what to say I'm not going to make a log for a bunch clowns that only shill for naps and domestic-supply (they are great sources I'm not knocking them) to say everything I put in the log is false or photoshopped you are fucking retarded. If I don't plan to tell the truth I best go away the truth is I had a great fucking experience with this source, a little more truth you can kiss my asshole 🎯 with your tongue out.
@slim0983 you make no sense at all, you claim is legit but you give NO proof of this
you have NO log journal, no trust in the community
thats why we call you a SHILL someone who shills for a source with no proof

if you post a log we can believe and support you, until then is a scam to us
@slim0983 you make no sense at all, you claim is legit but you give NO proof of this
you have NO log journal, no trust in the community
thats why we call you a SHILL someone who shills for a source with no proof

if you post a log we can believe and support you, until then is a scam to us
I actually came here and asked a question because I read good reviews on other sites and could only find bad reviews on here and your clone site evolutionary. Then when I received the gear I posted a touchdown picture saying I actually received the gear. 5 weeks later I posted my labs after using the gear for 5 week and was accused of photoshoping the labs and being paid to post, so what I'm supposed to believe if I make a log and then post labs you cunts aren't just going to say my log is bullshit and the labs are photoshopped or I was running different gear. I already said how much when and how long I was running the gear and posted labs and was accused of lying. why would it be any different if put that information into a spreadsheet for a log, how would that be any more proof of what I've already said. If you truly believe I'm lying you are goingto believe whatever I put in a log is bullshit right?
I've seen posts on this forum people asking about a source that's an approved source and the only responses are one liners saying domestic-supply, naps, ugfreak. (fill in the blank) is who I use they are the best. Everyone on here gets there panties all in a bunch if anyone says they purchased anything from a source not in your top 3, I guess you all just like paying too much or your getting kickbacks for sending people their way wich is probably what's going on because there's no other reason to tell everyone who asks a question about a source to only buy from the most expensive sources, that's like someone buying a car and being told they should have bought it a different dealer that charges more because the car they bought is probably just going to break down because they got it cheaper.
I actually came here and asked a question because I read good reviews on other sites and could only find bad reviews on here and your clone site evolutionary. Then when I received the gear I posted a touchdown picture saying I actually received the gear. 5 weeks later I posted my labs after using the gear for 5 week and was accused of photoshoping the labs and being paid to post, so what I'm supposed to believe if I make a log and then post labs you cunts aren't just going to say my log is bullshit and the labs are photoshopped or I was running different gear. I already said how much when and how long I was running the gear and posted labs and was accused of lying. why would it be any different if put that information into a spreadsheet for a log, how would that be any more proof of what I've already said. If you truly believe I'm lying you are goingto believe whatever I put in a log is bullshit right?
@slim0983 you spend so much time posting this, you could have started a LOG journal by now :)

no one is going to believe you on anabolex until a LOG journal is up
and YES we do believe logs 100%
I've seen posts on this forum people asking about a source that's an approved source and the only responses are one liners saying domestic-supply, naps, ugfreak. (fill in the blank) is who I use they are the best. Everyone on here gets there panties all in a bunch if anyone says they purchased anything from a source not in your top 3, I guess you all just like paying too much or your getting kickbacks for sending people their way wich is probably what's going on because there's no other reason to tell everyone who asks a question about a source to only buy from the most expensive sources, that's like someone buying a car and being told they should have bought it a different dealer that charges more because the car they bought is probably just going to break down because they got it cheaper.
@slim0983 you spend so much time posting this, you could have started a LOG journal by now :)

no one is going to believe you on anabolex until a LOG journal is up
and YES we do believe logs 100%
@slim0983 I agree with @BigArms42 you should get a LOG posted :)
as I suspected @slim0983 is not going to post a LOG because he was just shilling for pureanabolics no proof at all
Just as I suspected since I said I didn't buy my gear from domestic-supply or naps I'm shilling for a scammer. You cunts are completely mindless sheep that just parrot the same responses over and over again. I just read a thread on here where someone said they think they may have gotten bunk gear from ugfreak. The first responses were saying stick to trusted sources, should have used domestic-supply, this isn't the first time we've heard bad things about this source, we've heard a lot of bad things about this source and nothing worse than fake gear should have used naps. There were probably 6 responses saying to use domestic-supply or naps before a mod stepped in and finally said ugfreak is a trusted source and to post proof the gear was fake, Jesus christ people question a source that is approved and trusted and people still say should have used domestic-supply or naps, not ugfreak is a trusted source their gear is good if you think there's a problem with the gear contact them they will make it right because they are a trusted source. So no I haven't posted a log for a bunch of fucking sheep to accuse me of gundecking the log and photoshopping the labs, because let's be honest wouldn't it be pretty easy for me to just put some bullshit in the log and post photoshopped labs that showed numbers that would be in line with the ammout of test I'm using weekly, and then how am I supposed to prove I'm actually running gear from PA when one of you accuse me of running gear from somewhere else.
Just as I suspected since I said I didn't buy my gear from domestic-supply or naps I'm shilling for a scammer. You cunts are completely mindless sheep that just parrot the same responses over and over again. I just read a thread on here where someone said they think they may have gotten bunk gear from ugfreak. The first responses were saying stick to trusted sources, should have used domestic-supply, this isn't the first time we've heard bad things about this source, we've heard a lot of bad things about this source and nothing worse than fake gear should have used naps. There were probably 6 responses saying to use domestic-supply or naps before a mod stepped in and finally said ugfreak is a trusted source and to post proof the gear was fake, Jesus christ people question a source that is approved and trusted and people still say should have used domestic-supply or naps, not ugfreak is a trusted source their gear is good if you think there's a problem with the gear contact them they will make it right because they are a trusted source. So no I haven't posted a log for a bunch of fucking sheep to accuse me of gundecking the log and photoshopping the labs, because let's be honest wouldn't it be pretty easy for me to just put some bullshit in the log and post photoshopped labs that showed numbers that would be in line with the ammout of test I'm using weekly, and then how am I supposed to prove I'm actually running gear from PA when one of you accuse me of running gear from somewhere else.
I dont care who you buy from @slim0983
I'm saying the reason you are not running a LOG is because you're a shill, you would be exposed as the owner or known shill of 100% I'm sure of it
did I get that right? lol :ROFLMAO: no hate bro, just what I think
and prove me wrong get a LOG up lets see
I dont care who you buy from @slim0983
I'm saying the reason you are not running a LOG is because you're a shill, you would be exposed as the owner or known shill of 100% I'm sure of it
did I get that right? lol :ROFLMAO: no hate bro, just what I think
and prove me wrong get a LOG up lets see
You are 100% wrong I am literally someone who got tired of fucked up online clinics overcharging and sending the wrong prescription to the pharmacy I went with a UGL that had good reviews on other boards and asked a question about them here and all of the sudden I'm for sure the owner or a shill you are a fucking clown and that I am 100% sure of.
You are 100% wrong I am literally someone who got tired of fucked up online clinics overcharging and sending the wrong prescription to the pharmacy I went with a UGL that had good reviews on other boards and asked a question about them here and all of the sudden I'm for sure the owner or a shill you are a fucking clown and that I am 100% sure of.
@slim0983 ok I'm 100% wrong but you havent proved me wrong, you just called me a clown when you're the clown here shilling for pureanabolics, no proof you're real, no LOG just your words
you're a clown douchebag
@slim0983 ok I'm 100% wrong but you havent proved me wrong, you just called me a clown when you're the clown here shilling for pureanabolics, no proof you're real, no LOG just your words
you're a clown douchebag
I really don't care what you think and a log is just words posted in a different thread on this forum it's nothing it means nothing and would be no different than what I've already posted just in a different thread but somehow if I post what I've already said in a different thread that makes it proof, you really are a bunch of clowns. I would be willing to bet the idiots on here that got "scammed" by PA actually bought off one of the fake sites and aren't willing to admit they fucked up, even on your little clone site evolutionary that has all the same mods has a guy saying he bought something PA doesn't even sell. Even when people buy from trusted sources you get mods telling them they should have used domestic-supply or naps instead,
@slim0983 stop shilling for pureanabolics, you're being such a douchebag
just go post a LOG
otherwise its just you shilling for pureanabolics who is a known selective scammer
@slim0983 is gone, clearly he was the owner or a rep for pureanabolics
super fake guy, lied about his cycle, didnt share a LOG and left
typical SHILL behaviour
I'm not the owner or a rep, I'm just not going to go out of my way to prove something to stupid cunt like you that makes a bunch of unfounded assumptions of of me saying I purchased before I read the bad reviews here and then after I received the gear and used it I said I have had good results and then every dumb motherfucker on this forum started saying I must have been paid to post or I am actually the owner posting fake shit. I even said my next purchase would be from another source like naps because I want to give geniza a try but still I must be a shill because a source you don't trust didn't rip me off I'm not telling anyone to use the source I legit just said I didn't get ripped off and immediately started getting attacked with accusations so you and every other dumb bitch on this bullshit forum and evolutionary your bullshit clone site that couldn't even be bothered to make look different or have different mods can suck my dick from the back.
I'm not the owner or a rep, I'm just not going to go out of my way to prove something to stupid cunt like you that makes a bunch of unfounded assumptions of of me saying I purchased before I read the bad reviews here and then after I received the gear and used it I said I have had good results and then every dumb motherfucker on this forum started saying I must have been paid to post or I am actually the owner posting fake shit. I even said my next purchase would be from another source like naps because I want to give geniza a try but still I must be a shill because a source you don't trust didn't rip me off I'm not telling anyone to use the source I legit just said I didn't get ripped off and immediately started getting attacked with accusations so you and every other dumb bitch on this bullshit forum and evolutionary your bullshit clone site that couldn't even be bothered to make look different or have different mods can suck my dick from the back.
You're calling people cuts? go suck a lemon you moron @slim0983

idiot is a shill for go love them and lie and cheat

pureanabolics cheats members and cheats users and steals money and @slim0983 supports them
the owner of pureanabolics just revealed himself hahaha, just like that guy same behavior you idiot

btw you're suspended for TOS violations, aka BEING the owner of pureanabolics
You're calling people cuts? go suck a lemon you moron @slim0983

idiot is a shill for go love them and lie and cheat

pureanabolics cheats members and cheats users and steals money and @slim0983 supports them
the owner of pureanabolics just revealed himself hahaha, just like that guy same behavior you idiot

btw you're suspended for TOS violations, aka BEING the owner of pureanabolics
You really are a stupid fucking cunt I have seen the fucking morons on this forum accuse 3 different people and myself of being the owner of pureanabolics for saying they they didn't get ripped off. I literally couldn't care any fucking less about being suspended from your bullshit forum you are a fucking joke and again you can suck my dick from the back just make sure to swallow my load like the little bitch you are
You really are a stupid fucking cunt I have seen the fucking morons on this forum accuse 3 different people and myself of being the owner of pureanabolics for saying they they didn't get ripped off. I literally couldn't care any fucking less about being suspended from your bullshit forum you are a fucking joke and again you can suck my dick from the back just make sure to swallow my load like the little bitch you are
@slim0983 the owner of pureanabolics, his IP and email is going to be posted if he keeps violating TOS more
@slim0983 the owner of pureanabolics, his IP and email is going to be posted if he keeps violating TOS more
There it is, you accuse me of being someone I'm not and then threaten to dox me, and you wonder why everyone on every other forum has nothing good to say about anabolex and evolutionary, you shove your top 3 sources down everyone's throat that asked about any source I've even seen the mods on here calling approved sources scammers when it wasn't one of the top 3. This is why this forum is a joke, every forum has their own approved source list and insists that their approved sources are the best out there except this is the only forum that has mods threatening to dox people that use sources that arent one of their approved sources.
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