I’ve got really low body fat like 4 or 5% and I’m looking to use oral steroids. 27 years old, and 178 pounds. I’ve had a history of drinking in the past and I’ve had a history of also using rec drugs. Oddly enough when I was using recreational drugs I was able to lean out originally and lose about 60 lbs which is how I got so lean in the first place
I’m looking to use these oral steroids but want to use them safely which ones do you recommend I do for 8 weeks? This will be the first time I have used them. I train 6x a week and I’m completely clean I promise.
I’m looking to use these oral steroids but want to use them safely which ones do you recommend I do for 8 weeks? This will be the first time I have used them. I train 6x a week and I’m completely clean I promise.