MK677 might have an effect on blood sugar like real HGH keep that in mindDay 26
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 25mg
Pumps continue to be insane. I am sure they are in part due to water retention, but not having used PED's in over 15 years, it is a feeling I have missed. Damn...I love it!
Strength continues to improve, but given my age and nagging injuries the Healing Stack I am doing is not meant, IMO, to crush huge strength gains. Slow and steady wins the race and heals injuries. Trying NOT to injure something else.
For over a decade I would limit my squat to 275 lbs for sets of 8-10 because I did not want to re-injure a herniated disc in my lower back. My strength has increased so much that today I threw on 315 for sets of 6 and had more in the tank. Yeah yeah...I know...I used to squat 450+ so 315 may not seem like a lot to you guys, but when you haven't done that in over a decade, it's a big improvement! I am thrilled.
Can't wait for deads, back and hams day -'s on!
Size - I am still hovering around 225 which I can tolerate for this particular stack. Remember, I am trying to gain strength in weak areas to aid in healing of tendons in my ankle and forearms. Tendonitis blows.
Blood Pressure - for now, it seems this has leveled out. the last few days my systolic pressure has been below 127, so I am very happy!
Blood Glucose - in reading about how MK677 can increase blood sugar to pre-diabetic levels I purchased a new blood glucose meter and started testing today. I was not methodical about it, I that I did not test the second I woke. Instead, I tested after two cups of coffee that had non-dairy creamer in it. 4 gr of carbs, so not much, but still. I was at 120, which is high.
I tested again after lunch and I was at 160, which is very high. It dropped to 140 within an hour and to 132 in two hours. For someone who has not had high levels, this is high.
Tomorrow, I am going to test methodically and see where I am. That said, if it stays high, I may have to bail on the MK677. I am NOT OK with risking diabetes.
I am curious to hear from those who have experience running GH and/or MK677 and how it effects your blood glucose levels short and long term. Did you develop diabetes? How can I counteract the increase in blood glucose levels? How long does the increase last? Should I be concerned the increased levels may cause diabetes? etc.
Thanks! Hope you all have a great weekend!
you're NOT going to develop diabetes relax, its just a short term thing like hgh