I’m looking to do a diet to help me bulk up
my main goal is to put on about 20 or 30 lbs over the next year or two
what are some foods that you recommend for me?
I’ve already tried increasing my protein but it seems to upset my stomach
I’m looking to boost the amount of protein I’m getting every day
right now I’m getting somewhere around 150 to 200g. Would like to increase that to 200 to 250g.
What is a good protein powder that I can take that will work good for that and how often am I supposed to be taking it per day
So I started dating this Middle Eastern girl and I went over to her parents house and they made a bunch of different food. 1 of the cool things they made was this meat pizza which had beef on top and a very hard crust.
It was very good. Has anyone tried anything like this for extra protein?
so I went into the vitamin store that’s next to my gym in the strip mall and the owner of the store was pretty cool he came up to me and that I was a bodybuilder.
He asked how he could help me and I told him I want protein powder that’s gonna help me build more muscle.
He said that there were 3...
bodyhealth is coming out with a bunch of good protein products. They have protein in a bottle and they also have whey protein powder which comes in 35 grams per scoop.
Does anyone have any experience using this supplement company and what kind of results can I expect if I were to run their stuff...
had no idea that Gatorade started making protein bars I only thought they made sports drinks
looking to take this to help me refuel after a hard work out
Has anyone used this stuff before what do you think about it and will it help me
peanut butter flavor sounds good
looking for the best protein whey options that are out there that you recommend
hopefully you can give me something good that won’t irritate my stomach
I’ve used different supplements before that had way in them and they were not good for my stomach gave me a lot of stomach issues
been noticing that all of a sudden I’m getting protein farts
been using the same protein powder for the past year so this is the first time this has happened
I’m hoping you can give me some advice on if I should change my protein powder and if that will make a difference
or would it make more...
I have my eye on getting more protein in my diet and following a bodybuilder diet to build more muscle and lean mass
do you agree that if you up your protein and lower your carbs it’s a good way to lose body fat and gain muscle or is that not necessarily true?
The foods that I was looking at to...
ever since I have been increasing the protein I’m getting and taking in protein shakes I’ve had loose stools
it’s very watery when it comes out and it sprays all over the toilet
sorry for being graphic but my wife keeps yelling at me
is there any supplements that you recommend to help with this?
I’ve used whey protein for the past five years and I’ve never had a problem but over the past six months I’ve noticed whenever I drink a protein shake I get the runs or I get really bad nausea
the other day I had some and I ran outside and dry heave
what do you think I should do from here do you...
what do you guys think about those protein bars that are really chewy?
My gym is connected to a supplement store and I went in there to grab something and the guy recommended I try it but said they were good but they are very chewy. The stuff got stuck in my teeth and it was annoying me the...
the Smoothie Bar at my gym closed down and they no longer make them anymore
I used to always go there after my workout and run over there and grab one to drink and I felt like it was helping me
what do you guys do in that situation do you put one in your car in a cooler and then drink it after...
So I started working at the gym and the gym owner also operates the supplement store next door. as part of my pay he allows me to pick a couple protein bars for free everyday which is really cool of him
wondering what you guys thought about the best ones to try for someone who wants a meal...
What do you think about this product pure isolate AMP pure?
I'm using it to help fill out my daily wants while rehabbing and trying to maintain my weight
I'm in my late 30s and the extra protein is what I am looking for
do you think this stuff is worth buying? they sell it at the mall that I go to
What is the best way to boost how much protein i am getting everyday?
I’m currently in a situation where i want to Get my protein intake up over 250 to 300 G per day
my main goal is to put on more muscle size and get bigger. what are the best ways I can get it in terms of supplementation because...
Besides using a blender which is extremely messy and those things break all the time
what are the best ways to mix protein powder ?
do you guys invest in a shaker cup or do you just use a spoon or a knife to swirl it in the cup to make sure it's mixed? it seems like mine flows to the top and I...
I'm basically looking to take something before I go and work out to give me some energy. I usually don't eat anything until about 2:00 and then I hit the gym around 4:00. I would like to take something maybe on the way to the gym
Which bar is best?
Met-rx big 100
Rx bar protein
Clif bar
So sick of protein powders
I have tried whey protein concentrate
Whey protein isolate
Pea protein
Greens powders
Soy protein
And even hemp
They all seem overhyped and don’t do a thing for me.
I would like to try something different. Can you recommend some different supps?
I have been lifting weights for the past 2 months and haven't used any supplements yet. a buddy of mine has been training for 4 months and he is way ahead of me and I would like to catch up to him
I was looking at taking some flavored protein. I don't see many options on certain brands while...