I’m 40 years old
5’9’’, training for 5 or 6 years
150 pounds
Want to build more strength and muscle but also lose some more fat
would it be good to run to lgd 4033 at 20 mg a day or is that a dose that is more for bigger guys?
And would the GW work good at 10mgs ?
I've used cardarine 501 516 before, but i have never used it stacked
I was looking at yk-11 at 10mgs a day to use with it
if I was to stack GW + YK-11 what would be the best results i can expect?
I'm 25 years old, and i’m 152 pounds. I have been training for the past six weeks so I'm new to this
I'm not a pro at all like most of you on here but I figured I would take a shot and ask. I am a normal amateur guy who trains 3x per week
what kind of training routine would you recommend that I do to improve
Right now I just walk into the gym and pick someone and follow them around and do their...
What is the best thing to stack with ostarine mk-2866?
I’m currently taking a break from weight training because of injuries and I plan to slowly make my comeback in the next couple weeks. I don't want to overdo it cuz I don't want to hurt myself.
So what is the best thing to stack here?
I injured my back during weight training I'm not sure how. it feels like a tight knot in my lower back and it's hard to even bend over and pick anything up off the ground.
what are the best supplements to help heal up injury so I can be back in the gym fast
My schedule has changed where I work 4 days a week for 12 hours a day from 7 to 7 or from 8 to 8.
has anyone had this type of schedule before? On my 3 days off 2 of those days i get my kids so i cannot really workout those days. That leaves me really only 1 day to train unless i workout on a day...
I suffer from depression and I'm not too ashamed to talk about it unlike many others
this has been a issue since I was a teenager and I have been on various antidepressant medications.
I've gone into training and I take it very seriously. In fact I am about 8% body fat and I am muscular compared...
Is weight training 6 times a week too much for my body or can I get away with it?
I’m 22 years old and growing up we did not have access to weights in my school. now. I am in college there is a weight room but it is Tiny and its been closed the whole time until recently
so now I'm starting to...
I want to build bigger arms. I train them 3x per week cause I want them to grow more.
Do you think this is too much and what is the sweet spot for training arms, I’m tired of walking around with tiny arms and looking weak
I have been training with a buddy of mine who has competed in Regional bodybuilding competitions and has been pushing me hard. He was telling me that if you're on steroids it's impossible to over train and he was pushing me to go at least 90 to 100 minutes per workout. You said that I should...
I am going to take a job as a model doing some adult work
don't worry haha it is just pictures and it's nothing too serious
I've already been there and seen some of the other models and how they look and it's very impressive
what kind of workouts and weight training do you think I should be...
I started to take fish oil before I weight train to help with joints. I noticed I have no issues until I started weight training
then I start burping these horrible fish burps and it is weird. Should I wait until after I am done with weights to take it?
I was talking to a guy at the gym who is in his 60’s and the subject of steroids came up
he mentioned he used to take a lot of deca back in the day for strength training. He said over 1G, I came home and googled and he means over 1000mgs, isnt’ that a lot?
Do you think I should try it? I want to...
my favorite muscle to train is my biceps by far. How about you guys out there? Favorite muscle and why?
My concern to and question is how will I know if I am over training them. Someone told me you shouldn’t train your arms too much cause they are small muscles. True or false?
I'm currently training and my performance is decent but I know I have room for improvement. My progress has pretty much stalled. Is that when you should take the next step and use anabolic steroids when your progress stalls or should you try to change up your workout first and then get on...
Evolutionary.org Radio #426 Fadogia Agrestis on the Joe Rogan Podcast discussed.
I have been training for a half marathon for a couple months. A training buddy of mine improved really fast and said he was using GW cardarine.
I had no clue what it was and he was too scared to fill me in on where he got it
reading the forums seems like you guys all use it too
where can I buy...
Evolutionary.org Radio Episode #420 Taking steroids or TRT and not working out?