Evolutionary.org 522 - How to get more from training (Bench Press, Squats, Deadlifts)
I have hip problems due to my time in the Army. they want to eventually do a hip replacement but i am only 45 and i don’t want to do it yet. Which of these squats would be okay for me to do from the list below?
Split squat.
Hack squat.
Barbell front squat.
Barbell back squat.
Dumbbell squat.
I have back issues
Heavy weight training plus a motorcycle accident has left me with some lower back issues especially when I work out
do you have any supplements that will help with this
I was wondering if there was any type of advice you can give me or tips when it comes to my training Style
Whether i do my strong lift routine or more isolation
Would my sets vary from each one or do you recommend keeping a consistent set routine
Example if i am doing squats should i do 20 sets...
what are going to be the best steroids for a guy who's tall and skinny?
I'm 6ft 6in 180 lb but I lean 7% body fat
I used to be a tennis player and also did a lot of running
now I am switching to weight training and want to do it 4 times a week
I did steroids in my 20’s and 30’s. Now i’m 51...
I'm an older guy who was searching for a better training split
Right now my split is:
I got this split out of a magazine and been doing it about a year
would like to change it up a little bit what would you recommend for me
I had a question about the differences and advantages of doing flat bench press vs. incline. I know it do that my gym who is a cop and he only does incline. I asked him why and he said because they are better they hit the shoulders much more directly
is this true and would it be pointless to do...
I found a good workout program online wanted to see what you thought about it
this would be for my chest
push ups
barbell decline bench press
barbell flat bench press
chest fly
4 sets each and 10-12 reps.
let's say I am working out three different body parts
do I change the number of sets that I do each time or do I keep things the same?
right now I am doing between 15 to 18 sets per day
I’m trying to learn more about deadlift
I literally just started doing these because I change gyms and the old gym I had trained that did not allow us to do it because of damage to the floor
I was wondering about proper hip positioning and rounding back. Some of the guys I see do it at the gym...
I'm ready to take something post-training that can help recovery and repair
what is the best thing to use that I can mix in with my shake?
Right now I am taking whey protein and I do two scoops of chocolate flavor. It doesn't seem to be helping recovery though
I am 152 pounds in around 5 ft 5 in. I'm small and skinny and I am 27 years old
I'm looking to take something to help me gain more mass.
I have been training every other day for the past year and not gaining as much as I would like
Would a simple testosterone 500mgs a week cycle work for me? or...
how would you change up your workouts if you wanted to bulk up instead of getting leaner?
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 166 pounds
I am doing 15-17 sets per workout and like 12 reps per set
should I increase my sets and lower my reps?
Evolutionary.org 500 - The Big 500 episode - anniversary! Thank you guys
I am a pure weight trainer and looking to use sarms
What is the best dose to use?
I’m 5’9’’ 188 pounds and training for 5 years nonstop
Only care about better performance in the gym
would high rep training 15-20 reps to failure be more dangerous then tempo training where you do 6 or 7 reps at 65% area?
I’m concerned with soft tissues and joints
what has been your experiences with this?
Let's say you just put in an amazing work out and you want to make sure that your body responds well to it
what are some of the worst things you can do after your workout that will offset all the hard work you put in during your workout session
I’m 28 years old and I've been thinking of using steroids. But reading on sarms they may be the better option for me right now.
I've been training off and on for the past 5 years
I think I may have achieved a plateau in my training though. I weighed 210 pounds and i’m 6’3’’. I’m pretty muscular...
I am new to weight training and I train at a franchise gym
I have always wondered what the bigger dudes that I see at the gym are using
I would ask them myself but I'm shy. With supplements are the best so I can look like them
Do you think i should run this sarms stack or forget it?
I’m 22 years old, training for 3 months
5’5’’ 123 pounds
I’m super skinny and lean
A hard gainer
I’m looking at using S23 and yk11. Heard they are good for skinny guys