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Approved Log JohnJuan’s FLASH LABS LOG


Approved Source - REP
08/12/2022: Good morning Anabolex! My name is JJ! I’m 54 years old and on my way to getting as shredded as I possibly can. I’ve been a rep for my friend, Flash, for many years, and I only use his AAS. I use HGH from the-provider currently as well. I tend to rotate certain injects and orals in and out of my protocol while staying on testosterone propionate and nandrolone phenyl propionate year round. The NPP is for my arthritis. My arthritis is pretty severe in my elbows, hands, knees, delts, hips, all over. Nandrolone helps lubricate my body enough to allow my to workout.
I prefer all fast acting gear and daily injects. I like the kick I feel with acetate, propionate, and phenyl propionate. My current daily injects are done with a 29 gauge slin pin consisting of:
60mg test prop
30mg NPP
10mg tren ace
10mg masteron prop
I am also take HGH 3 times a day(2ius upon waking, 3ius post workout, 2ius before bed, all subQ)
I workout at home. I started doing this during the lock downs and stuck with it to save money on gasoline. My two gyms are 42 and 54 miles round trip from home. It was costing me $400 a month in gas money. Screw that!
My workout schedule is typically: Chest, arms, delts/traps, OFF DAY, legs, back, OFF DAY.
I started my cut diet last October 1st due to very high blood pressure. My bp was 175/125. My body weight was 234Lbs. I am now 190Lbs here 10 months later. My bp is usually in normal range, a bit higher than I’d like but much improved, mid 130’s over mos to upper 80’s usually.
DIET: 6 meals or shakes daily. Meals are typically 10 egg whites with 2 cups steamed basmati rice, or 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast with 2 cups steamed basmati rice. As of yesterday I add 1/3Lb London broil roast beef with 2 slices of Dave’s 21 wholegrains and seeds bread, lettuce, tomato, and mustard. The rest of my meals are 2 scoops of syntha-6 EDGE protein powder, 2 scoops oats, 2 fish oil capsules, 2 MCT oil capsules, and various vitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie pills.
Today is leg day. As far as legs go I do what I can but I have degenerative disk disease in my spine which caused severe muscle atrophy in my left leg. I still have a detached ACL and my quad tendon was severed and is held together with titanium. My right knee has serious meniscus damage. I can’t do much for legs. As it is I do 10 sets of a modified squat /dead lift holding 30Lb dumbbells in my hands. I shoot for 10 sets of 15 or so. I do several foot positions per set sliding my feet further outward every few reps. I also do at least 5 sets of standing calf raises holding the dumbbells followed by single foot calf raises then double foot without the dumbbells. The squat/deadlifts hits both quads and hams. I stopped doing direct ham work after tearing my hamstring 3 times in 2021.
Regardless of injuries there is always a way to train around them or through them using lighter weights and perfect form. Being able to lift weights is a true gift for me. It keeps me almost sane.
UPDATE: I ended up doing 8 sets of dumbbell squat/dead lifts with feet shoulder width apart, wide stance, and narrow stance for each set, followed by standing dumbbell calf raises, single foot calf raises, and both feet calf raises. 8 sets of each and my legs were toast. My right knee feels it today but no big deal.

08/13/2022: So far I have had one protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT caps, 1 magnesium cap, 1 L-Arginine tab, 1 taurine cap, and 1 vit/min/fruit/veggie tablet.
I just took 25mg anavar, 10mg Cialis, and my daily shot of 60mg test prop, 30mg NPP, 10mg tren ace, and 10mg masteron prop.
I’m going to train back today in a couple hours. I plan to do one arm bent barbell rows, narrow grip pulldowns with bands, narrow grip rows with bands, single arm rows reverse grip, seated rows pulling from the top with a 45 degree angle for my back. I do around 20 sets and many are supersets.
Here are a couple recent pics:
I just finished training back. I ended up popping another anavar and Cialis before the workout:
- 10 sets one arm barbell rows
- 4 sets single arm underhand grip band rows
- 4 sets standing band rows
- 4 sets seated narrow grip band pulldowns
- 3 sets band rows pulling from the top with my upper body bent at a 45 degree angle

I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes so far. I took 3ius HGH immediately post workout. In a half hour I’ll have 10 egg whites with salsa and 7 rice cakes.

I got my new Flash Labs pack yesterday.
Today is supposed to be an off day but I feel like doing chest. I’m about to have my 2nd protein/oat shake. I took 50mg anavar and 50mg tbol upon waking along with 60mg test prop, 30mg NPP, 10mg tren ace, 10mg masteron prop, 2ius HGH, and a bunch of nootropics to wake me up so I could take care of my mom. My mom had a major stroke and is wheelchair brunch with dementia so I take care of her Sunday mornings to give my dad a break.
I like to have my protein/oat shakes every 2 hours. I was too busy to one one after 2 hours so at the 2 1/2 mark I had a food meal of 1/2Lb 99/1 extra lean ground turkey breast and 2 cups steamed basmati rice spiced with garlic and onion powder and hot sauce for meal #2 today.
Personally I have never put oats in protein shake,I do carb powder on occasion, but I will try that today,I just got back for gym,I eat 6 eggwhites,6 oz salmon over 1.5 cup jasmine rice..I love the 99/1 turkey,I bring 1 lb of it to work 3 cups jasmine rice with low sodium soy and little vegetables, split it over 2 meals..
Personally I have never put oats in protein shake,I do carb powder on occasion, but I will try that today,I just got back for gym,I eat 6 eggwhites,6 oz salmon over 1.5 cup jasmine rice..I love the 99/1 turkey,I bring 1 lb of it to work 3 cups jasmine rice with low sodium soy and little vegetables, split it over 2 meals..
You eat perfectly! Good job!!!
I like the oats for texture. It grosses some people out but as bodybuilders we eat anything that works. 😀. I like a balance between carbs and protein. I’ve always dieted that way. Low carbs make me look and feel terrible. High fat and no carbs makes me look and feel terrible too.
Right.i did low carbs last year but I needed to drop weight was fat enough for my frame..lost 25 lbs but felt like I average 400g carbs 250 protein, my fats fluctuate 50-100,pretty much bcus of peanut /almond butter..I work hard in & out the carbs would not work for me
Holy crap!!! I’ve never really used anavar much because it made me cramp in the past. I finally figured out my diet had no magnesium in it. I now have the magnesium and taurine I need to prevent cramping. So today I took 50mg anavar which I haven’t really tried in years at the dose. Plus, I took 50mg tbol. I’m 5 sets in on my chest workout and the pump is incredible!!!
- 4 sets up upper chest push-ups with my feet elevated on my bed.
- 4 sets of barbell pull overs

- 4 sets of regular push-ups with hands in the narrow position, shoulder width position, and wide hands position.
- 4 sets of band flies (same as cable flies)
08/12/2022: Good morning Anabolex! My name is JJ! I’m 54 years old and on my way to getting as shredded as I possibly can. I’ve been a rep for my friend, Flash, for many years, and I only use his AAS. I use HGH from the-provider currently as well. I tend to rotate certain injects and orals in and out of my protocol while staying on testosterone propionate and nandrolone phenyl propionate year round. The NPP is for my arthritis. My arthritis is pretty severe in my elbows, hands, knees, delts, hips, all over. Nandrolone helps lubricate my body enough to allow my to workout.
I prefer all fast acting gear and daily injects. I like the kick I feel with acetate, propionate, and phenyl propionate. My current daily injects are done with a 29 gauge slin pin consisting of:
60mg test prop
30mg NPP
10mg tren ace
10mg masteron prop
I am also take HGH 3 times a day(2ius upon waking, 3ius post workout, 2ius before bed, all subQ)
I workout at home. I started doing this during the lock downs and stuck with it to save money on gasoline. My two gyms are 42 and 54 miles round trip from home. It was costing me $400 a month in gas money. Screw that!
My workout schedule is typically: Chest, arms, delts/traps, OFF DAY, legs, back, OFF DAY.
I started my cut diet last October 1st due to very high blood pressure. My bp was 175/125. My body weight was 234Lbs. I am now 190Lbs here 10 months later. My bp is usually in normal range, a bit higher than I’d like but much improved, mid 130’s over mos to upper 80’s usually.
DIET: 6 meals or shakes daily. Meals are typically 10 egg whites with 2 cups steamed basmati rice, or 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast with 2 cups steamed basmati rice. As of yesterday I add 1/3Lb London broil roast beef with 2 slices of Dave’s 21 wholegrains and seeds bread, lettuce, tomato, and mustard. The rest of my meals are 2 scoops of syntha-6 EDGE protein powder, 2 scoops oats, 2 fish oil capsules, 2 MCT oil capsules, and various vitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie pills.
Today is leg day. As far as legs go I do what I can but I have degenerative disk disease in my spine which caused severe muscle atrophy in my left leg. I still have a detached ACL and my quad tendon was severed and is held together with titanium. My right knee has serious meniscus damage. I can’t do much for legs. As it is I do 10 sets of a modified squat /dead lift holding 30Lb dumbbells in my hands. I shoot for 10 sets of 15 or so. I do several foot positions per set sliding my feet further outward every few reps. I also do at least 5 sets of standing calf raises holding the dumbbells followed by single foot calf raises then double foot without the dumbbells. The squat/deadlifts hits both quads and hams. I stopped doing direct ham work after tearing my hamstring 3 times in 2021.
Regardless of injuries there is always a way to train around them or through them using lighter weights and perfect form. Being able to lift weights is a true gift for me. It keeps me almost sane.
UPDATE: I ended up doing 8 sets of dumbbell squat/dead lifts with feet shoulder width apart, wide stance, and narrow stance for each set, followed by standing dumbbell calf raises, single foot calf raises, and both feet calf raises. 8 sets of each and my legs were toast. My right knee feels it today but no big deal.

08/13/2022: So far I have had one protein/oat shake with 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT caps, 1 magnesium cap, 1 L-Arginine tab, 1 taurine cap, and 1 vit/min/fruit/veggie tablet.
I just took 25mg anavar, 10mg Cialis, and my daily shot of 60mg test prop, 30mg NPP, 10mg tren ace, and 10mg masteron prop.
I’m going to train back today in a couple hours. I plan to do one arm bent barbell rows, narrow grip pulldowns with bands, narrow grip rows with bands, single arm rows reverse grip, seated rows pulling from the top with a 45 degree angle for my back. I do around 20 sets and many are supersets.
Here are a couple recent pics:
View attachment 2765
View attachment 2766
Abs are looking good.

This log is going to be awesome I see it.
Flash labs log we were waiting for
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