Hello all, how have you been, sorry for the ale reply been busy with work,
Training has continued as described before, here it is again as a refreshe
Monday: lowerbody day
Lego Press: 350poundsX5SetsX20Reps
Calve raises: 240poundsX6SetsX25Reps
Lunges :holding 50 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Leg curls:180poundsX5setsX15Reps
Reverse Leg Curls: 160 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday: Ems Full Body all groups set to 95 overall setting 50
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: upperbody
Bicep curls: 40poundsX5setsX15-20reps until failure
Cable Triceps: 45poundsX6setsX15-25 Reps until failure
Latpulldowns: 80poundsX6setsX25Reps
ChestPress: 100poundsX5SetsX15Reps
ChestFly: 90poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chestPress: 80poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chest flys: 80poundsX5setsx15reps
Upper chest Press: 80 poundsX5setsX15reps
Upper Chest Flys: 80poundsX5setsX15reps
Forearmcurls: 25poundsX8SetsX20Reps
WristCurls 25
Reversewristcurls: 15poundsX8setsX20Reps
Friday: Ab day (weird i know but ive cycled through several diffrent splits and i find this one works the best for me
Ab Roller: 150Reps
Saturday: lowerbody day
Lego Press: 350poundsX5SetsX20Reps
Calve raises: 240poundsX6SetsX25Reps
Lunges :holding 50 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Leg curls:180poundsX5setsX15Reps
Reverse Leg Curls: 160 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Sunday: Upperbody day
Bicep curls: 40poundsX5setsX15-20reps until failure
Cable Triceps: 45poundsX6setsX15-25 Reps until failure
Latpulldowns: 80poundsX6setsX25Reps
ChestPress: 100poundsX5SetsX15Reps
ChestFly: 90poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chestPress: 80poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chest flys: 80poundsX5setsx15reps
Upper chest Press: 80 poundsX5setsX15reps
Upper Chest Flys: 80poundsX5setsX15reps
Forearmcurls: 25poundsX8SetsX20Reps
WristCurls 25
Reversewristcurls: 15poundsX8setsX20Reps
my diet consists of the following each day:
Morning: 20mg phocalin
6 oz of (usually red) meat cooked at home, steak tartare steak etc some penzeney (Bros i cannot recommend this brand of spices enough ) seasoning and one bowl of some grain, usually rice
Midday: 8oz meat (again usually red) cooked at home, salad with vinaigrette no other sauce, a serving of grain ( bread pasta etc)
night: 6-8 oz meat cooked at home some roasted vegetables, serving of grain, MAYBE some ice-cream as desert, i often will eat cauliflower pasta or whole wheat bread to avoid the excess carbs.
I usually like to eat red meat as I like the taste of it best will not infrequently have chicken/pork/turkey etc (only fish i like is Baccalà which isent great for the bulk i guess given all the Salt)
I was thinking of the following for ym cycle : 7 cpas N2gaurd (duh)
50 andarine, 25 cardarine 25 testolone 25 stenabolic wich i intend to order from Umbrella labs eitehr today or tomorrow but for sure before the end of the week
50mg anavar and 25 Dianbol 50 Aromison, order from UG.freak.to assuming i can figure out how to pay for it given my lack of a credit card and my difficulties getting verified for bitcoin, as they seem to be quite high quality and have great domestic US shipping times ( wish it was like umbrella where you can just but in credit crd information and done!) what do you all think and i apolgize agian for the long silence:
Training has continued as described before, here it is again as a refreshe
Monday: lowerbody day
Lego Press: 350poundsX5SetsX20Reps
Calve raises: 240poundsX6SetsX25Reps
Lunges :holding 50 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Leg curls:180poundsX5setsX15Reps
Reverse Leg Curls: 160 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday: Ems Full Body all groups set to 95 overall setting 50
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: upperbody
Bicep curls: 40poundsX5setsX15-20reps until failure
Cable Triceps: 45poundsX6setsX15-25 Reps until failure
Latpulldowns: 80poundsX6setsX25Reps
ChestPress: 100poundsX5SetsX15Reps
ChestFly: 90poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chestPress: 80poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chest flys: 80poundsX5setsx15reps
Upper chest Press: 80 poundsX5setsX15reps
Upper Chest Flys: 80poundsX5setsX15reps
Forearmcurls: 25poundsX8SetsX20Reps
WristCurls 25
Reversewristcurls: 15poundsX8setsX20Reps
Friday: Ab day (weird i know but ive cycled through several diffrent splits and i find this one works the best for me
Ab Roller: 150Reps
Saturday: lowerbody day
Lego Press: 350poundsX5SetsX20Reps
Calve raises: 240poundsX6SetsX25Reps
Lunges :holding 50 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Leg curls:180poundsX5setsX15Reps
Reverse Leg Curls: 160 poundsX6SetsX15Reps
Sunday: Upperbody day
Bicep curls: 40poundsX5setsX15-20reps until failure
Cable Triceps: 45poundsX6setsX15-25 Reps until failure
Latpulldowns: 80poundsX6setsX25Reps
ChestPress: 100poundsX5SetsX15Reps
ChestFly: 90poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chestPress: 80poundsX5setsX15Reps
Lower chest flys: 80poundsX5setsx15reps
Upper chest Press: 80 poundsX5setsX15reps
Upper Chest Flys: 80poundsX5setsX15reps
Forearmcurls: 25poundsX8SetsX20Reps
WristCurls 25
Reversewristcurls: 15poundsX8setsX20Reps
my diet consists of the following each day:
Morning: 20mg phocalin
6 oz of (usually red) meat cooked at home, steak tartare steak etc some penzeney (Bros i cannot recommend this brand of spices enough ) seasoning and one bowl of some grain, usually rice
Midday: 8oz meat (again usually red) cooked at home, salad with vinaigrette no other sauce, a serving of grain ( bread pasta etc)
night: 6-8 oz meat cooked at home some roasted vegetables, serving of grain, MAYBE some ice-cream as desert, i often will eat cauliflower pasta or whole wheat bread to avoid the excess carbs.
I usually like to eat red meat as I like the taste of it best will not infrequently have chicken/pork/turkey etc (only fish i like is Baccalà which isent great for the bulk i guess given all the Salt)
I was thinking of the following for ym cycle : 7 cpas N2gaurd (duh)
50 andarine, 25 cardarine 25 testolone 25 stenabolic wich i intend to order from Umbrella labs eitehr today or tomorrow but for sure before the end of the week
50mg anavar and 25 Dianbol 50 Aromison, order from UG.freak.to assuming i can figure out how to pay for it given my lack of a credit card and my difficulties getting verified for bitcoin, as they seem to be quite high quality and have great domestic US shipping times ( wish it was like umbrella where you can just but in credit crd information and done!) what do you all think and i apolgize agian for the long silence: