Sorry for the delays with posing. This is my busy season, and my workload has been through the roof. I will try to a lot a little more timer each day for updates. So, I must say that the
HGH is working quite well. The sense of contentment and increased energy levels are notable. Sleep is more restful and deeper and then there is the weight loss. My weight was at 183.6 on May 19th and I am currently sitting at 165.4. I will need to rerun the 7 point this week to reassess where my BF% is currently at. Must be lower than the 11.3 I pulled a week-2 weeks ago. A few minor things that I have noticed are things like, fingernails. They are growing fastr and are tougher. The wife says that some of my wrinkles, mostly in my face are lees noticeable as well.
Friday - Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
Dumbbell Hammer-slow eccentric 35@12,10,8,8
Rope Hammer-hold peak every rep 90@12,10,8,8
Cable Reverse Curl- forearms parallel to floor hold peak slow eccentric 70@12,10,8,8
Dumbbell Hammer seated hold peak 30@12,10,8,8
Zotman Curl 25@12,10,8,8
EZ bar revers w/ normal tempo 65@12,10,8,8
Dumbbell reverse seated slow eccentric 20 @5x10
Incline Curls - 25@12,10,8,8
Forced Rep Preacher Curls -50@ 4 sets to failure
Long Head
Closed bench 120@12,10,8,8
Skull Crushers 65@12,10,8,8
Kickbacks 35@12,10,8,8
Lateral Head
rope push down -rope apart pronated 70@12,10,8,8
Diamond push-up 4x20
Medical head
Rope push down l down- supinated 50@12,10,8,8
Underhanded Bench 120@12,10,8,8
Incline Crunches - 4 sets of 15 reps
Seated Leg Pull-Ins - 4 sets of 15 reps
Twists -5@20x10 High/Low pulley
Rocky 4’s - 4x7
Wood Choppers- 15@4x10
Cardio on treadmill
4 mph at 10% for 45 minutes
Saturday – Off
Sunday – Massages and Yoga with the wife
Monday - Chest, Triceps and Abs
Flat Bench - 170@12,10,8,8
Incline Bench Press - 130@12,10,8,8
Inclined Arches 70@12,10,8,8
Decline Press - 130@12,10,8,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 35’s@12,10,8,8
cable flies 25@2,10,8,8
Cable Crossovers 25@12,10,8,8
Longl Head
Closed bench 80@12,10,8,8
Skull Crushers 35@12,10,8,85
Kickbacks 30@12,10,10,8
Lateral Head
rope push down -rope apart pronated 70@12,10,8,8
Diamond push-up @10x10
Medical head
Rope push down- supinated 45@12,10,8,8
Underhanded Bench 80@12,10,8,8
Incline Crunches - 2 sets of 15 reps
Seated Leg Pull-Ins - 2 sets of 15 reps
Twists -20@5x10 High/Low
Rocky 4’s - @4x5
Wood Choppers- 15@3x10
Cardio on treadmill
4 mph at 10% for 45 minutes
Meditrope HGH 5 iU/day Monday-Saturday wks
Tren E – 400 mg/wk
Test E 600 mg/wk
NPP – 300 mg/wk
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg QD-Cholesterol/Never Pain
Vanadyl Sulfate 10mg/QD-
Insulin Resistance Reduction
E- 180 mg QD
Potassium - 99mg m/w/f
B-12- 1000mg s/t/t/s
Magnesium- 400mg m/w/f
CQ10- 100mg qd
Omega 3,6,9-1600mg qd
Calcium- 600mg s/t/th
Vit. D3-500IU-m/w/f
NAC 600mg/QD
Milk Thistle 175mg/qd
MACA 500mg/QD
Chromium 500 mcg m/w/f
Turmeric/curcumin 1500mg QD
DHEA 50 mg QD
Liver cleanse-QD
Prostate Control- QD
Vit C—500 mg/ Zinc
Meal 1 (post-workout)
1.5 cups egg whites
2 tbls Mozzarella
Meal 2 (post workout)
3 oz lean protein
1.5 vegetables
Meal 3
3 oz lean protein
1.5 vegetables
Meal 4
3 oz lean protein
1.5 vegetables
Meal 5
TBD- What ever my wife fixes.
Meal 6
P - Shake 50 gm protein