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Approved Log Testosterone, Trenbolone, Winstrol summer cut-recomp Cycle Log


First log here so I hope im doing it right.

Back round:
38M 200lbs been lifting for about 20 years. Using calipers and the equations I am (i think) 13% body fat. Goal with this cycle is to cut body fat for the summer down to around 10-11% while retaining muscle (everyones dream right 😂). Plan is to bulk up to 215 in the winter following time off. Currently on 200mg test cyp weekly TRT done 2x a week.

I have done many cycles in the past in my early 20’s without truly understanding what I was doing. I have been on TRT for about 15 years because of that so here we are. I havent done a true AAS cycle in a while as its mostly been SARMS. I am starting this next cycle asap as my package should be here any day now. Its already stateside and cleared customs.

As someone who is experienced in this but not as much as of late I am open to any and all suggestions, constructive criticism, and advice.

I am tracking macros in my carb manager app to 2700 cals a day. That puts me at a 12% deficit which I just lowered from 2800. Macros are 25/40/30 for carbs, protein, and fat; respectively.
That puts me at 169g carbs, 270 protein, 105g fat for a day. I have mostly been on a low carb/animal based/ carnivore diet for the past couple years. So adding that many carbs is daunting to me lol but Ill be ok.


Fasted cardio after lifting on non work days. On work days cardio is done after work at night. Cardio is mostly walking on incline or at night its walking my cane corso for a few miles.



175mg a week, daily injections.
Weeks 1-10

TEST Prop (mwfsun) /CYP weekly

13: 100/200
14: resume TRT

Oral Winstrol:
Weeks 4-10
25mg daily

Cycle support, NAC, milk thistle, glutathione, tuduca. Also have kidney support on hand as well.


Will gladly post as long as someone can figure out how to blur out my tattoos. I have a lot and not getting fired is a goal of mine so I cant have them visible/identity known.

Thanks for having me and again open to any and all suggestions.
First log here so I hope im doing it right.

Back round:
38M 200lbs been lifting for about 20 years. Using calipers and the equations I am (i think) 13% body fat. Goal with this cycle is to cut body fat for the summer down to around 10-11% while retaining muscle (everyones dream right 😂). Plan is to bulk up to 215 in the winter following time off. Currently on 200mg test cyp weekly TRT done 2x a week.

I have done many cycles in the past in my early 20’s without truly understanding what I was doing. I have been on TRT for about 15 years because of that so here we are. I havent done a true AAS cycle in a while as its mostly been SARMS. I am starting this next cycle asap as my package should be here any day now. Its already stateside and cleared customs.

As someone who is experienced in this but not as much as of late I am open to any and all suggestions, constructive criticism, and advice.

I am tracking macros in my carb manager app to 2700 cals a day. That puts me at a 12% deficit which I just lowered from 2800. Macros are 25/40/30 for carbs, protein, and fat; respectively.
That puts me at 169g carbs, 270 protein, 105g fat for a day. I have mostly been on a low carb/animal based/ carnivore diet for the past couple years. So adding that many carbs is daunting to me lol but Ill be ok.


Fasted cardio after lifting on non work days. On work days cardio is done after work at night. Cardio is mostly walking on incline or at night its walking my cane corso for a few miles.



175mg a week, daily injections.
Weeks 1-10

TEST Prop (mwfsun) /CYP weekly

13: 100/200
14: resume TRT

Oral Winstrol:
Weeks 4-10
25mg daily

Cycle support, NAC, milk thistle, glutathione, tuduca. Also have kidney support on hand as well.


Will gladly post as long as someone can figure out how to blur out my tattoos. I have a lot and not getting fired is a goal of mine so I cant have them visible/identity known.

Thanks for having me and again open to any and all suggestions.
@JJ286 awesome start to your LOG on Anabolex. The whole anabolex family loves this bro. :)

a few things, can you please share your touchdown pics in the LOG again? I think you had PSL and GD TDs right?

Lets talk sharing

Diet, Training
Diet, please share actual foods and meals as you go and eat them
training, please share not general but actual exercises reps weights and sets as you go
cardio, how much and when?
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

id like to see you add n2guard on top of your current stack
I also dont see omega 3 fish oil or fiber
how about probiotics?
how about digestive enzymes
how about psyllium husk?

how to blur out tats? easy just erase them on phone and post or share with admins we can help you get them up

pics of meals please share them, those are anon :)
pics of some training machines as you go
and pics of your gear as mentioned about TD :)

do you have blood work to share?

thanks for sharing and stay sharing and stay powerful we'll get to your goals as a big Anabolex family :)
@JJ286 awesome start to your LOG on Anabolex. The whole anabolex family loves this bro. :)

a few things, can you please share your touchdown pics in the LOG again? I think you had PSL and GD TDs right?

Lets talk sharing

Diet, Training
Diet, please share actual foods and meals as you go and eat them
training, please share not general but actual exercises reps weights and sets as you go
cardio, how much and when?
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

id like to see you add n2guard on top of your current stack
I also dont see omega 3 fish oil or fiber
how about probiotics?
how about digestive enzymes
how about psyllium husk?

how to blur out tats? easy just erase them on phone and post or share with admins we can help you get them up

pics of meals please share them, those are anon :)
pics of some training machines as you go
and pics of your gear as mentioned about TD :)

do you have blood work to share?

thanks for sharing and stay sharing and stay powerful we'll get to your goals as a big Anabolex family :)
Ill get on this tomorrow bro but yeah i can do all that.
I love the fasted cardio aspect of this
also thank you for laying out your cycle it makes it easy to follow
I like how you're keeping your doses low
that's smart because it gives you more flexibility
Check out the other logs on here and see what the guys and gals are doing
that will give you some ideas on yours
also can you so some pictures of your meals that at least will be better than no pictures at all
bro this is a good cycle
but the doses too low for what I like any chance you can raise your dose up?
Yeah theres def a chance I up the dose. Starting off on the lower end and going from there. Will prob raise the tren to 210 for the rest of the weeks after week 1. My goal isnt to gain 20 pounds and I am okay with lower gains in favor of less sides.
I would be open for raising your dosing a little bit
like the tren could be closer to 350
maybe add an oral instead of raising the injectable dosing
this way you can start and stop it and it'll be out of your system quicker
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