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Approved Log Testosterone, Trenbolone, Winstrol summer cut-recomp Cycle Log

Back day:

40 mins cardio post workout 3.2mph 10incline.

Bent over barbell rows: 225x12, 245x10, 255x8
Hammer strength close grip rows: 270x10, 180x 10, 180x 10.
Close grip cable rows: 165x8, 145x 10, 145x 10
Wide grip lat pull downs: 165x8, 145x 8, 121x 12
Cable Pulldowns: 50x 10, 40x10, 40x10

Russian twists 3x15 (3x)
Kettlebell crunches: 25lbsx 20 (3x)

Obviously not feeling anything yet, cycle wise, as its 2 days in.
@JJ286 Strong back bro.......
No pics today because I was rushing but Shoulders today. Tomorrow is a planned rest day with some fasted cardio when I wake up.

Smith machine press: 225x12, 235x 10, 245x 8 ( 225 x10, 135x10 drop set)
Hammer strength press: 180x12 3 sets
Rear delt db fly: 30x12, 35x12, 40x8
front delt db raise: 25x10, 25x10
db Lateral raises: 25x10, 20x12, 25x10 (20x failure, 15xfailure drop set)

crunch machine, twist machine, 3x failure.

30 mins cardio 3.2mph 10 incline.

I did suffer a neck injruy and just had it fixed a few weeks ago so I am happy with the shoulder weights. Still no real feeling except maybe a little increased vascularity. Debating adding mast prop for the last 8 weeks.
No pics today because I was rushing but Shoulders today. Tomorrow is a planned rest day with some fasted cardio when I wake up.

Smith machine press: 225x12, 235x 10, 245x 8 ( 225 x10, 135x10 drop set)
Hammer strength press: 180x12 3 sets
Rear delt db fly: 30x12, 35x12, 40x8
front delt db raise: 25x10, 25x10
db Lateral raises: 25x10, 20x12, 25x10 (20x failure, 15xfailure drop set)

crunch machine, twist machine, 3x failure.

30 mins cardio 3.2mph 10 incline.

I did suffer a neck injruy and just had it fixed a few weeks ago so I am happy with the shoulder weights. Still no real feeling except maybe a little increased vascularity. Debating adding mast prop for the last 8 weeks.
@JJ286 good share bro but neck injury, how bad is it? you going to do accupuncture?

on the masteron, you can add it but not yet, lets wait another 2 weeks
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