Friday and saturday and sunday
End of cycle
End of cycle weight 150.2 (weighed 2 weeks after last pin )(weighed on week 16 on 8/4/2023)
Beggining of cycle weight 136 ish around that area.
Forgot to put these logs last week
Day 96 and 97 and day 98
Friday: Greek yogurt 1 cup
50g almond
=403 calories(21g carbs,32g protein,25g fat)
Greek yogurt 1 cup
50g almonds
25g walnuts
= 619 calories(22g carbs,36g protein,48g fat)
1 cup greek yogurt
2 boiled eggs
50g almonds
=617 calories(16g carbs,43g protein,46g fat)
Friday : back day and biceps
Started with my pullups till failure
And was able to break a new pr for my pull ups with around 43 pull ups
Finished it with 2x10 pull ups
Gave myself a 10 minute rest
Dead hangs 2 minutes for 3 sets
Lat pull downs
Machine rows ( not cable)
Hammer curls 45 @ 3x8
Standing Barbell curls 115 @ 1x8
Preacher dumbell curls 25 @ 2x12 > 1x failure
Cable pull overs 2x failure
Saturday: rest day
Switched rest day with sunday
Sunday strength day and legs
Hang clean 205 6x3 5 minutes rest between
Front squat 275 4x4
+ Broad jumps(plyometrics)
Leg extensions 3x12 1x failure
Hip thrusts 275
Bulgarian split squats ( assesory and for grip)
60 pound dumbells
Barbell smith machines lunges @ 135
Dumbell squat jump 2x6
10 pound dumbell
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Avocado 100g
2 cup lettuce
Cheese cubes 30g
= 487 calories(10g carbs,58g protein,31g fat)
Saturday :
Shrimp 4 oz
Tuna 200oz
Rice 100 g
= 461 calories(28g carbs,79g protein,3g fat)
Chicken thighs with skin 8oz
1 cup black beans
=727 calories
Broccoli 100g
Black Beans 1 cup
8oz chicken breast
=461 calories(48g carbs,68g protein,7g fat)
Protein shake
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Black Beans 0.5 cup
Avocado 100g
=840 Calories(41g carbs,103g protein,37g fat)
8oz sirloin steak
3 whole eggs
50g avocado
= 724 calories(4g carbs,59g protein,52g fat)
Extra Meal
Sub roll
Sliced turkey 8 oz
Thick cut 4 bacon slices
Avocado 100g
Protein shake
1306 calories (77g carbs,125g protein,53g fat)
Protein shake
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Beans 0.5 cup
Avocado 100g
=840. Calories(41g carbs,103g protein,37g fat)
Protein shake
96% Ground beef 10 oz or 335g
100g plain rice
=824 calories(37g carbs,97g protein,30g fat)
2656 calories (156g carbs,
283g protein,116g fat)
Total calories =
2802 calories(136g carbs,264g protein,147g fat)
Around 2778 calories
Week 1
Felt the var kick in calves had some nasty pumps, but you can use some supplements like magnesium,taurine to mitigate it.
Week 2 was then strength gains starting coming in and I was able to put on 10 pounds on all my main lifts with the bench and squat).
I put on about maybe a pound
[Week 3 was when I gained like 4 pounds which I'm guessing alot of it was water.
Week 4 was the same put on some water.]
Week 5 was when retention stopped Exploding my weight and I just started putting on 1 pound every week.
Weeks 2 -8 > I was putting on about 10 pounds for all my lifts( bench and squat mostly but varies among other lifts like olympic lifts)like weekly then onward it was like 5 pounds every week and at the last week or so my squat kept increasing but my bench bascially stopped increasing.
Around week 6-8 I'm not sure but that's when the acne actually broke out like crazy.
Just a bunch of dots it's not crazy like cystic acne but it'll go away if u have proper hygiene ,keep e2 in check and anti acne soap along with sun bathing.
In which I took very low dose of ai and this seemed to do the most to fix it along with soap.
Around this time I also had some severe insomnia I rmb suddenly going to sleep at 11 to 5 in the morning but I just took some valerian root and was able to get good sleep at that fixed it.
Week 8 and towards the end everything felt a bit the same with occasional acne.
Strength gains never stopped you could honestly pr every week.
You might need to alot of stretching because you will get very stiff from all that muscle
And if your an athlete you will need to do high intensity and cardio because of all that water retention and extra weight.
Week 9 - 14
this is where the vasculairity really started to shine
Was getting Hella vascular and I'm already vascular. quads were vascular and I started getting veins on my triceps and back.
Strength gains slowed on some lifts
Especially bench which just halted on week 13.
Weight was steady also with 1 pound per week.
Here are my old lists and new lifts
1rm max
Olympic lifts
[Snatch @ 135 > 160 (mid cycle) > 175(eoc)
Clean and jerk @ 180 > 215 (mid cycle)> 230(eoc)
Power clean] @ 225 > 260(mid cycle) > 270 (eoc)
Deadlift @ 405 > 435 (early - mid cycle)
482.5 ( end of cycle)(never did pr that much for deadlift until the end so thats why theirs a big jump)
Bench : 185 > 250 (mid cycle)
> 260 ( probably my poorest area of gains)(end of cycle)
Squat 285 > 355 ( mid cycle)>
370 (end of cycle)(had to retest this squat weight to get good depth to be valid)
Pullups bw @ 32 > 36 (mid cycle) > 43(End of cycle)
Bw + weight @ bw + 135 > bw + 160 lb
Bw + 175
Dips bw @ 42 > 62 (mid cycle) >68 (end of cycle )
Bw + weight @bw + 150 > bw + 190 lb (1rm)
3 mile run:
17 minutes 49 seconds
> 16 minutes 23 seconds. Mid cycle
16 minutes and 03 seconds End of cycle
Broke my old record when I did highschool cross country this for sure would of gotten me near 1st place.
I'd say I'd put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle rest would be water weight. I'll have to see how much of that muscle I'll actually keep.
Strength went up alot for how much weight I had put on .
I wouldn't really recommend high dose of oral or anavar if your an athlete especially endurance athlete as the pumps you get can be pretty annoying without taking potassium or a bunch of taurine before hand and it feels like your calves tendon might snap any minute]
Side effects:
A alot of acne :
You can use anti-acne soap to control it and it'll dry your back but it won't stop it as new ones will break out.
[Used in combination with an ai and it helped alot but very low dose I think this was what helped the most][I never had acne in my back or my chest and my face never broke out alot before the cycle]
May feel a bit aggitated and tense at times but easy to control especially if your a calm person already. (If you have anger issues this kinda just amplifies it I guess, but luckily I don't have it)
It's inevitable but your balls will shrink idk what to tell you lol.
insomnia ,but I quickly solved this with meltatonin and some valerian root.
One other thing is i think at one point my muscles were so strong thay my joints couldn't handle heavier weights or long isometrics. my body was hurting from calistechnics (ones that require alot of weight in small muscles[one arm,planche,still rings) and heavy lifting(elbows, shoulders,knees)
Getting your diet with fish can help.
By taking fish oil supplements also.
You could deload and this helped or ice your body stretching is also important.
Some good sides:
Increased vascularity [ usually towards the end as I think that's when rbc is high]
A bit of a confidence boost
[I was in someway being p4p very strong made me very confident also got alot of compliments for vascularity]
Massive boost in strength.
Pumps ( this can be good or bad )
Increased cardio [you feel a bit more explosive with running and jogging uphill is a breeze][ your muscles could go on forever,but your heart would be put to the test I'd say]
Increased hair growth mustatche and beard grew a bit
End of cycle
End of cycle weight 150.2 (weighed 2 weeks after last pin )(weighed on week 16 on 8/4/2023)
Beggining of cycle weight 136 ish around that area.
Forgot to put these logs last week
Day 96 and 97 and day 98
Friday: Greek yogurt 1 cup
50g almond
=403 calories(21g carbs,32g protein,25g fat)
Greek yogurt 1 cup
50g almonds
25g walnuts
= 619 calories(22g carbs,36g protein,48g fat)
1 cup greek yogurt
2 boiled eggs
50g almonds
=617 calories(16g carbs,43g protein,46g fat)
Friday : back day and biceps
Started with my pullups till failure
And was able to break a new pr for my pull ups with around 43 pull ups
Finished it with 2x10 pull ups
Gave myself a 10 minute rest
Dead hangs 2 minutes for 3 sets
Lat pull downs
Machine rows ( not cable)
Hammer curls 45 @ 3x8
Standing Barbell curls 115 @ 1x8
Preacher dumbell curls 25 @ 2x12 > 1x failure
Cable pull overs 2x failure
Saturday: rest day
Switched rest day with sunday
Sunday strength day and legs
Hang clean 205 6x3 5 minutes rest between
Front squat 275 4x4
+ Broad jumps(plyometrics)
Leg extensions 3x12 1x failure
Hip thrusts 275
Bulgarian split squats ( assesory and for grip)
60 pound dumbells
Barbell smith machines lunges @ 135
Dumbell squat jump 2x6
10 pound dumbell
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Avocado 100g
2 cup lettuce
Cheese cubes 30g
= 487 calories(10g carbs,58g protein,31g fat)
Saturday :
Shrimp 4 oz
Tuna 200oz
Rice 100 g
= 461 calories(28g carbs,79g protein,3g fat)
Chicken thighs with skin 8oz
1 cup black beans
=727 calories
Broccoli 100g
Black Beans 1 cup
8oz chicken breast
=461 calories(48g carbs,68g protein,7g fat)
Protein shake
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Black Beans 0.5 cup
Avocado 100g
=840 Calories(41g carbs,103g protein,37g fat)
8oz sirloin steak
3 whole eggs
50g avocado
= 724 calories(4g carbs,59g protein,52g fat)
Extra Meal
Sub roll
Sliced turkey 8 oz
Thick cut 4 bacon slices
Avocado 100g
Protein shake
1306 calories (77g carbs,125g protein,53g fat)
Protein shake
Chicken breast plain 8oz
Beans 0.5 cup
Avocado 100g
=840. Calories(41g carbs,103g protein,37g fat)
Protein shake
96% Ground beef 10 oz or 335g
100g plain rice
=824 calories(37g carbs,97g protein,30g fat)
2656 calories (156g carbs,
283g protein,116g fat)
Total calories =
2802 calories(136g carbs,264g protein,147g fat)
Around 2778 calories
Week 1
Felt the var kick in calves had some nasty pumps, but you can use some supplements like magnesium,taurine to mitigate it.
Week 2 was then strength gains starting coming in and I was able to put on 10 pounds on all my main lifts with the bench and squat).
I put on about maybe a pound
[Week 3 was when I gained like 4 pounds which I'm guessing alot of it was water.
Week 4 was the same put on some water.]
Week 5 was when retention stopped Exploding my weight and I just started putting on 1 pound every week.
Weeks 2 -8 > I was putting on about 10 pounds for all my lifts( bench and squat mostly but varies among other lifts like olympic lifts)like weekly then onward it was like 5 pounds every week and at the last week or so my squat kept increasing but my bench bascially stopped increasing.
Around week 6-8 I'm not sure but that's when the acne actually broke out like crazy.
Just a bunch of dots it's not crazy like cystic acne but it'll go away if u have proper hygiene ,keep e2 in check and anti acne soap along with sun bathing.
In which I took very low dose of ai and this seemed to do the most to fix it along with soap.
Around this time I also had some severe insomnia I rmb suddenly going to sleep at 11 to 5 in the morning but I just took some valerian root and was able to get good sleep at that fixed it.
Week 8 and towards the end everything felt a bit the same with occasional acne.
Strength gains never stopped you could honestly pr every week.
You might need to alot of stretching because you will get very stiff from all that muscle
And if your an athlete you will need to do high intensity and cardio because of all that water retention and extra weight.
Week 9 - 14
this is where the vasculairity really started to shine
Was getting Hella vascular and I'm already vascular. quads were vascular and I started getting veins on my triceps and back.
Strength gains slowed on some lifts
Especially bench which just halted on week 13.
Weight was steady also with 1 pound per week.
Here are my old lists and new lifts
1rm max
Olympic lifts
[Snatch @ 135 > 160 (mid cycle) > 175(eoc)
Clean and jerk @ 180 > 215 (mid cycle)> 230(eoc)
Power clean] @ 225 > 260(mid cycle) > 270 (eoc)
Deadlift @ 405 > 435 (early - mid cycle)
482.5 ( end of cycle)(never did pr that much for deadlift until the end so thats why theirs a big jump)
Bench : 185 > 250 (mid cycle)
> 260 ( probably my poorest area of gains)(end of cycle)
Squat 285 > 355 ( mid cycle)>
370 (end of cycle)(had to retest this squat weight to get good depth to be valid)
Pullups bw @ 32 > 36 (mid cycle) > 43(End of cycle)
Bw + weight @ bw + 135 > bw + 160 lb
Bw + 175
Dips bw @ 42 > 62 (mid cycle) >68 (end of cycle )
Bw + weight @bw + 150 > bw + 190 lb (1rm)
3 mile run:
17 minutes 49 seconds
> 16 minutes 23 seconds. Mid cycle
16 minutes and 03 seconds End of cycle
Broke my old record when I did highschool cross country this for sure would of gotten me near 1st place.
I'd say I'd put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle rest would be water weight. I'll have to see how much of that muscle I'll actually keep.
Strength went up alot for how much weight I had put on .
I wouldn't really recommend high dose of oral or anavar if your an athlete especially endurance athlete as the pumps you get can be pretty annoying without taking potassium or a bunch of taurine before hand and it feels like your calves tendon might snap any minute]
Side effects:
A alot of acne :
You can use anti-acne soap to control it and it'll dry your back but it won't stop it as new ones will break out.
[Used in combination with an ai and it helped alot but very low dose I think this was what helped the most][I never had acne in my back or my chest and my face never broke out alot before the cycle]
May feel a bit aggitated and tense at times but easy to control especially if your a calm person already. (If you have anger issues this kinda just amplifies it I guess, but luckily I don't have it)
It's inevitable but your balls will shrink idk what to tell you lol.
insomnia ,but I quickly solved this with meltatonin and some valerian root.
One other thing is i think at one point my muscles were so strong thay my joints couldn't handle heavier weights or long isometrics. my body was hurting from calistechnics (ones that require alot of weight in small muscles[one arm,planche,still rings) and heavy lifting(elbows, shoulders,knees)
Getting your diet with fish can help.
By taking fish oil supplements also.
You could deload and this helped or ice your body stretching is also important.
Some good sides:
Increased vascularity [ usually towards the end as I think that's when rbc is high]
A bit of a confidence boost
[I was in someway being p4p very strong made me very confident also got alot of compliments for vascularity]
Massive boost in strength.
Pumps ( this can be good or bad )
Increased cardio [you feel a bit more explosive with running and jogging uphill is a breeze][ your muscles could go on forever,but your heart would be put to the test I'd say]
Increased hair growth mustatche and beard grew a bit