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Approved Log Testosterone and anavar cycle log

you start the cycle yet or this is all
Yeah I started pinning about a almost a week ago I think I just forgot to include when I took the var but I am split dosing it when I wake up and in the afternoon.
Taking some caffeine with it too since I heard it goes good with it.
Day 5 4/19/20 wensday

Slept in very good and felt less pain from soreness
Checked the scale and I am up 135.6 pound up this morning that's an extra pound and a half.
Could be the test since it has water retention.

Woke up pretty late today at 7:05 ish no jog.
Quick Breakfast:
25 grams of crushed almonds = 142 calories (5.8 c)(5 p)( 13 f).
Salami and cheese wrap = 150 calories(1c)(9f)(13f)
Blueberries = 38 calories (7c)(1p)
Strawberries = 48 calories (12c)(1p)

Quick Gym at 7:25

Strength day
Power clean (olympic lift) 3x6 (135)
Front squat(we lift from front and not back so I prefer this over tradiontial squats)(compound) 3x6
+ superset with box jumps and broad jumps (plyometrics)
Bulgarian squats (bilateral) 50 in each hand 3x8
Barbell rows ( horizontal pull)
125 3x6
Hip abductions machine (Assesory) 3x8 165
Ham string curls ( assesory) 115 3x6

These felt somewhat way easier.
Was able to get in a good session in and overall felt pretty good. Felt like I could go to the gym again. Feel like I always got a pump even when I'm not in gym? Idk how to describe the feeling but I just feel I am bigger

Snack after:
12 oz ml of milk(177 calories) (10g c )( 20g p)(6g f)
Protein powder 24 ( 130 calories) (5g c)(24g p)(2g f)

Lunch: 8oz of smoked turkey leg =328 calories (3 g c)(75 p)(30f)
Cut green beans 100g = 31 calories (7c)
Went to practice. Taurine helped a bit but still get massive pumps from forearms and calves.

Halfish Avocado 100g = 170 calories (7c)(2p)(16f)
Flax oil 1.5 tbsp = 188 (21f)

Dinner 6:35

Grilled Tilapia 250g = 323 calories (65p)(7f)
Roasted potatoes 1 cup = 202 calories ( 36c)(4p)(5f)
Rice = 100g (78c)(8p)(3f)
2 hard boiled eggs = 156 calories (1c)(13p)(11f)

Pb sandwich
2 whole grain bread = 180 calories ( 5c)(24p)(2f)
2 tbsp peanut butter =190 calories (9c)(20p)(6f)
Bannana = 100 calories (23c)(1p)

Macros today: kinda ate a little bit below my calories hopefully that didn't change it much

2680 ish calories
265g carbs ,240g protein, 106g fat

Concluding thoughts:I think i am noticing some strength increase felt like the reps were way faster and easier and was able to recover between sets faster.
I think all my logs might be a day late this weeks been pretty stressful with all the work I have. Might lose some hair from the stress and aas combined lol.

10:35 goodnight
Day 5 4/19/20 wensday

Slept in very good and felt less pain from soreness
Checked the scale and I am up 135.6 pound up this morning that's an extra pound and a half.
Could be the test since it has water retention.

Woke up pretty late today at 7:05 ish no jog.
Quick Breakfast:
25 grams of crushed almonds = 142 calories (5.8 c)(5 p)( 13 f).
Salami and cheese wrap = 150 calories(1c)(9f)(13f)
Blueberries = 38 calories (7c)(1p)
Strawberries = 48 calories (12c)(1p)

Quick Gym at 7:25

Strength day
Power clean (olympic lift) 3x6 (135)
Front squat(we lift from front and not back so I prefer this over tradiontial squats)(compound) 3x6
+ superset with box jumps and broad jumps (plyometrics)
Bulgarian squats (bilateral) 50 in each hand 3x8
Barbell rows ( horizontal pull)
125 3x6
Hip abductions machine (Assesory) 3x8 165
Ham string curls ( assesory) 115 3x6

These felt somewhat way easier.
Was able to get in a good session in and overall felt pretty good. Felt like I could go to the gym again. Feel like I always got a pump even when I'm not in gym? Idk how to describe the feeling but I just feel I am bigger

Snack after:
12 oz ml of milk(177 calories) (10g c )( 20g p)(6g f)
Protein powder 24 ( 130 calories) (5g c)(24g p)(2g f)

Lunch: 8oz of smoked turkey leg =328 calories (3 g c)(75 p)(30f)
Cut green beans 100g = 31 calories (7c)
Went to practice. Taurine helped a bit but still get massive pumps from forearms and calves.

Halfish Avocado 100g = 170 calories (7c)(2p)(16f)
Flax oil 1.5 tbsp = 188 (21f)

Dinner 6:35

Grilled Tilapia 250g = 323 calories (65p)(7f)
Roasted potatoes 1 cup = 202 calories ( 36c)(4p)(5f)
Rice = 100g (78c)(8p)(3f)
2 hard boiled eggs = 156 calories (1c)(13p)(11f)

Pb sandwich
2 whole grain bread = 180 calories ( 5c)(24p)(2f)
2 tbsp peanut butter =190 calories (9c)(20p)(6f)
Bannana = 100 calories (23c)(1p)

Macros today: kinda ate a little bit below my calories hopefully that didn't change it much

2680 ish calories
265g carbs ,240g protein, 106g fat

Concluding thoughts:I think i am noticing some strength increase felt like the reps were way faster and easier and was able to recover between sets faster.
I think all my logs might be a day late this weeks been pretty stressful with all the work I have. Might lose some hair from the stress and aas combined lol.

10:35 goodnight
@fart13 if you can swap the almonds for walnuts, higher omega 3 to 6 ratio
overall you're doing very well, keeping it tight
Day 6. 4/20/2023 Thursday

Feel a bit energetic today getting out of bed
Feel like I might break out soon face is starting to get a bit of acne only papuples. No signs of pimples yet. Might breakout soon
Woke up Hella early at 5.
Might sleep early today though to not get my scedule messed up

Bruh I'm hating cardio day lmfao
Pumps crazy af .

Jog at : 5:30!!!!!! BRUCCCCC

Some kid threw a Orange in a car at me midjog lol. What a shithead.

Did 3 miles in under 17 minutes got back at around 6:10. Seems like if I just run faster the pumps aren't as crazy as opposed to just low intensity but high volume.

Might just workput in the after noon since no practice.
Gonna make big breakfast and study.

2 Scrambled Eggs = (12p)(14f)
Bacon 4 strips = 200 calories(10p)(16f)
Oats with bannana and blue berries = 387 calories (75c)(11p)(6g)

Alot of stuff ahead of me today. ;-;

Chicken 250g salad
Avocado 100g
Hard boiled eggs 3
1 whole Cucumber
Drizzled with Olive oil 0.5 tbsp
= 714 calories (18c)(82p)(40f)

Didn't go too hard on cardio today
Started off with a just a light jog for 20 minutes on thread mill
100 burpees as fast as I could go( gawt damn)
Stance in motion 15 minutes

Circuit for today repeat: 3x1
Kettle bell swings slow and steady for 1 minute
Rope climbs ( these felt almost way easier than I expected felt like a breeze)
Bear crawls for 30 sec
Frog leaps for 30 sec
Pull ups just bw just 8
Exploding lunges 12 reps

Snack after
12 oz ml of milk(177 calories) (10g c )( 20g p)(6g f)
Protein powder 24 ( 130 calories) (5g c)(24g p)(2g f)

Steak sirloin 12 oz
Potatoes 1 cup
1 whole banana

Had almost no stuff to add gonna have to get groceries tmr. Gonna get the recommendation for foods and supplements

Total calories and macros = 2720-40 ish calories
166g carbs,224g protein,133g fat

Concluding thoughts: definitly think the strength is coming really starting to notice it. Starting to more efficiently write these notes.
Acne sucks man. Just try to keep the area as dry as possible.
Yeah I apply my skincare routine everyday ,but I try not to keep it very dry since that does more harm then good usually they go away without turning into something worse. When I breakout it is not bad, but definitly it lowers my esteem lol.
Day 6. 4/20/2023 Thursday

Feel a bit energetic today getting out of bed
Feel like I might break out soon face is starting to get a bit of acne only papuples. No signs of pimples yet. Might breakout soon
Woke up Hella early at 5.
Might sleep early today though to not get my scedule messed up

Bruh I'm hating cardio day lmfao
Pumps crazy af .

Jog at : 5:30!!!!!! BRUCCCCC

Some kid threw a Orange in a car at me midjog lol. What a shithead.

Did 3 miles in under 17 minutes got back at around 6:10. Seems like if I just run faster the pumps aren't as crazy as opposed to just low intensity but high volume.

Might just workput in the after noon since no practice.
Gonna make big breakfast and study.

2 Scrambled Eggs = (12p)(14f)
Bacon 4 strips = 200 calories(10p)(16f)
Oats with bannana and blue berries = 387 calories (75c)(11p)(6g)

Alot of stuff ahead of me today. ;-;

Chicken 250g salad
Avocado 100g
Hard boiled eggs 3
1 whole Cucumber
Drizzled with Olive oil 0.5 tbsp
= 714 calories (18c)(82p)(40f)

Didn't go too hard on cardio today
Started off with a just a light jog for 20 minutes on thread mill
100 burpees as fast as I could go( gawt damn)
Stance in motion 15 minutes

Circuit for today repeat: 3x1
Kettle bell swings slow and steady for 1 minute
Rope climbs ( these felt almost way easier than I expected felt like a breeze)
Bear crawls for 30 sec
Frog leaps for 30 sec
Pull ups just bw just 8
Exploding lunges 12 reps

Snack after
12 oz ml of milk(177 calories) (10g c )( 20g p)(6g f)
Protein powder 24 ( 130 calories) (5g c)(24g p)(2g f)

Steak sirloin 12 oz
Potatoes 1 cup
1 whole banana

Had almost no stuff to add gonna have to get groceries tmr. Gonna get the recommendation for foods and supplements

Total calories and macros = 2720-40 ish calories
166g carbs,224g protein,133g fat

Concluding thoughts: definitly think the strength is coming really starting to notice it. Starting to more efficiently write these notes.
@fart13 you have some good details bump the fats and protein up 250grams protein and 150grams of fat you're not far
keep loging it bro
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