It’s most for heart health also for the pump in the gym and the bedroom you know it never hurts to have it there eitherBros, why do you take Cialis so much?
Is it more for heart health? Or is it more for bedroom?
I’d say you are correct but ive gotten out of the building phase I went through the whole wanting to look like a body builder I enjoy the more lean/smaller physique. It’s better for my lifestyle as of now. I have 2 boys that play basketball/football/baseball and I’m always working with them and a daughter in cheerleading and travel gymnastics. I devote as much time to them as possible to give them the best possible chance in life.Nice Shoulders, ABS, Biceps. In my opinion your physique would look top tier if you put some mass and volume on the pecs. I predict in the next 6 months your chest and shoulders will blow up. Also, more consistency and emphasis on protein in any form. Thank you for logging. Following
Thanks to everyone for your kind words. It does mean alot and push me to be even bette for my children and myself.