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Approved Log Mav's 1st Peptide Experience (BPC-157, TB-500, Sermorelin)

Hmmm alternate weeks (high rep/low rep) or within each workout?

Like posterior chain day do deadlifts heavy/low rep followed by stiff legged deads, glute/ham raises, curls etc higher rep?
You can definitely do that, I will do high rep for a few weeks, then low rep heavier weight and switch off.

Or u can do high rep moderate weight and in the same workout finish off with some 5x5 or 3x3 at heavier weights.

I detailed my overall experience with BPC-157, TB-500 and Sermorelin above. Overall it was a positive experience and I believe I will use all three compounds again.

Since I was on all three for a matter of 7-8 weeks, I am taking an 8 week break during my RCS SARMS BRIDGE and once I start the following cutting cycle (test, anavar and EQ), I will restart the Peptides, but not sure what that looks like yet. I believe I will start with BPC-157 and Sermorelin because I have them on hand.

I am relatively happy with my bloods. You can see my diet is solid given my bloodwork. The low HDL is completely hereditary. My father suffered from that, but he also ate like a pig and had excessively high LDL and ended up dying of heart disease. Given my test dose of 500/week over the last 9 weeks, I am not surprised the HDL is a bit lower than usual. Regardless of my Omega 3 intake, it stays at or below 35 ...always. Never was able to increase it.

My PSA level increased during this cycle, but it is still VERY healthy and given the elevated test levels it is not surprising.

I am a bit confused with the increased liver enzymes, but elevated test levels through injectables were doing this. I was not on N2Gaurd during the cycle, but I was taking LIV52. Started my N2Gaurd today with the start of my SARMS bridge so I will be curious to see what happens with my liver levels on SARMS and N2Gaurd.

I do not believe I will do a "bulking cycle" or use test at 500mg/week again. I believe the sides may have outweighed the benefits. I put on more fat and subcutaneous water weight and while I was stronger, I cannot say the gains were better than they would have been if I dropped the dose to 300mg and ate less while still hitting optimal protein levels.

At the age of 50, I want and need to prioritize longevity and health. As you know, I have been on TRT since November 2022 and that was the single best decision I made in a very long time. Prior to this cycle, I made significant quality gains over the previous year and while it took me a long time to embrace the teachings of my youth, "slow and steady wins the race". I see no need to jack my test dose to 500mg in the future, which is why I am going to use 300mg/week on my forthcoming cutting cycle. Less water weight, lower BP, etc.

Overall...I believe this cycle was a great experience and I walked away with a few excellent lessons for an old dog learning new tricks!


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I detailed my overall experience with BPC-157, TB-500 and Sermorelin above. Overall it was a positive experience and I believe I will use all three compounds again.

Since I was on all three for a matter of 7-8 weeks, I am taking an 8 week break during my RCS SARMS BRIDGE and once I start the following cutting cycle (test, anavar and EQ), I will restart the Peptides, but not sure what that looks like yet. I believe I will start with BPC-157 and Sermorelin because I have them on hand.

I am relatively happy with my bloods. You can see my diet is solid given my bloodwork. The low HDL is completely hereditary. My father suffered from that, but he also ate like a pig and had excessively high LDL and ended up dying of heart disease. Given my test dose of 500/week over the last 9 weeks, I am not surprised the HDL is a bit lower than usual. Regardless of my Omega 3 intake, it stays at or below 35 ...always. Never was able to increase it.

My PSA level increased during this cycle, but it is still VERY healthy and given the elevated test levels it is not surprising.

I am a bit confused with the increased liver enzymes, but elevated test levels through injectables were doing this. I was not on N2Gaurd during the cycle, but I was taking LIV52. Started my N2Gaurd today with the start of my SARMS bridge so I will be curious to see what happens with my liver levels on SARMS and N2Gaurd.

I do not believe I will do a "bulking cycle" or use test at 500mg/week again. I believe the sides may have outweighed the benefits. I put on more fat and subcutaneous water weight and while I was stronger, I cannot say the gains were better than they would have been if I dropped the dose to 300mg and ate less while still hitting optimal protein levels.

At the age of 50, I want and need to prioritize longevity and health. As you know, I have been on TRT since November 2022 and that was the single best decision I made in a very long time. Prior to this cycle, I made significant quality gains over the previous year and while it took me a long time to embrace the teachings of my youth, "slow and steady wins the race". I see no need to jack my test dose to 500mg in the future, which is why I am going to use 300mg/week on my forthcoming cutting cycle. Less water weight, lower BP, etc.

Overall...I believe this cycle was a great experience and I walked away with a few excellent lessons for an old dog learning new tricks!


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@Maverick602 overall its a good cycle and good log, closing went well with the bloods

ast is high but thats not unusual as long as you use n2guard instead of liv52 in the future

right now i am seeing you other log? you going to do sports TRT? consider it
@Maverick602 overall its a good cycle and good log, closing went well with the bloods

ast is high but thats not unusual as long as you use n2guard instead of liv52 in the future

right now i am seeing you other log? you going to do sports TRT? consider it

as long as those numbers normalize off cycle
make sure you doing n2guard

I started N2Gaurd yesterday as I begin a light SARMS bridge (new log). Given my elevated liver enzymes I’m a little concerned how the SARMS will effect my liver whether I am on N2Gaurd or not.

I’m definitely getting liver bloods after 3 weeks on the SARMS & N2Gaurd. If they elevate I am stopping the bridge.

As far as “sports” TRT, I do not believe in it. I believe I’m either on TRT or on cycle. At my age I need to protect longevity and sports TRT would raise my hematocrit and hemoglobin too high resulting in greater heart risk.
Not a fan of bridging even with sarms

Appreciate your input. You’re older than I am so I’m curious as to your philosophy.

I recall you doing a really short cycle within your current “back on the grind” log. So do you do short cycles and pct between your them? Are you on TRT?

I haven’t bridged in years and when I did I only used something like 25mg of anavar daily….maybe some primo, but that was a different time and I didn’t care about longevity.

Curious to hear more
you can Bridge with sarms and supplements
some people believe in coming off everything though
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