Feb 23rd
Fasted 22hrs
Ate from 5:30-8:30
Preworkout meal: carrot cake cream of rice with a scoop and half of protein powder
Post workout meal : 4 boiled eggs 5 scrambled eggs with 6tbsl butter and 80g pickle
Cardio: walking 90 min non fasted (13k steps)
Upper day
Close grip pull down
130 pounds 25 reps
Chest supported row focused on stretch and squeeze
190 pounds 25 reps
Incline tbar
1 plate and 25 pounds 25 reps
270 pounds 25 rep
Incline chest press focused on deep stretch
180 pounds 25reps
Shoulder press
90 pounds 25 reps
Straight bar push down
60 pounds 25 reps
Machine Bicep curl
22kg 25 reps
Hammer curl cable
50 pounds 20 reps
Lat raise machine standing
60 pounds 25 reps
Cable crunches
40 pounds 30 reps