Day 61 (nearing end of 8th week)
MK677 - 18.75mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 25mg
Today's Theme: Still tight, but stretching more and feeling better. Gains being maintained, but plateaued for sure.
Lethargy - gone
Blood Pressure:
Stable and acceptable at a high systolic number of 130
Mk677 related water retention - it's annoying and getting to me, especially since it is summertime and I would rather be dry, but whatever. I am riding this out for another 4 weeks, 4 weeks PCT and then considering a cutting SARMS stack.
Blood glucose: I am holding at pre-diabetes levels and expecting to return to normal once I stop the MK677. Being that this is my first GH related experience, I am uncomfortable with the higher glucose levels, but if they return to normal I think I will continue to use MK677, but probably in the winter instead of the summer.
Aches & pains:
In addition to being tight as fuck last week, I mentioned tweaking my mid back. Well, that was a mess. I had to take days off my training regime because each morning I woke up in too much pain. Had to leave a TENS unit on my back for days and do stretching and activation exercises to level out. I returned to an adjusted training regime on Monday, feeling better and getting back on track as of yesterday. I am adjusting my training regime accordingly. (see below)
Originally posted page #5
The Armstrong Pullup Program has been adjusted. Pullups every day on this cycle puts entirely too much tension on my connective tissues. I had to pull it back for fear of getting injured. However, the gains are great. I went from being able to do 8 pull-ups from a dead hang to 12 so far. The goal is to get back to 20, but that is not my ultimate goal, so I am managing my expectations there.
Day 1 (LEGS)
10 minute warmup (stairclimber)
ATG/KOT - full leg mobility warm up and activation
Because of my back issues, I decided to go high reps for two weeks. Don't laugh...I came across "The Rock's" leg workout below and it crushed me. three days later, I still feel it.
- leg extensions 4x25
- DB walking lunges 4x25
- SS Leg press 4x20
- Hack squat 4x20
- Romanian Dead Lift 4x12
- Ham curls 4x12
Day2 - 30 minutes of cardio - 10 min stairclimber followed by 20 min elliptical
APP - push-ups/pull-ups
ATG/KOT -foam rolling & active stretching
30 minutes of cardio
APP - push-ups/pull-ups
ATG/KOT - full leg mobility warm up and activation
Shoulders and biceps - shaping movements - light & tight high reps
Day4 -30 minutes of cardio - 10 min stairclimber followed by 20 min elliptical
ATG/KOT -foam rolling & active stretching
(tomorrow - a little worried about my back doing deads, but I am going to take it slow and light, but if you have any other suggestions, I am all ears)
10 minute warmup (stairclimber)
ATG/KOT - full leg mobility warm up and activation
Dead Lift 4 x 10- weight?
Pulldowns 3 x 10
Bent over rows 3 x 10
Hip thrusts 4 x 10
Day6 -30 minutes of cardio
ATG/KOT -foam rolling & active stretching
Day 7
APP - push-ups/pull-ups
NOTE - Chest and Tris are being hit with daily push ups and I don't want them to grow much more.
Strength has obviously dropped because of my setback mentioned above, but still insanely stronger than before I started the stack. Body weight is stable at 230. Next time I do this, I am going to get BF tested throughout. I regret not doing that.
I am still around 220mg protein, 300mg carbs, 50mg fat daily...roughly BUT I am targeting low GI carbs and high fiber, so my net carbs are definitely much lower. Seeing an improvement with fat loss, but there are times I want to eat my house...friggin MK677
I do NOT want to re-injure my back, that sucked, so I have to train smart the last four weeks, to stay healthy and keep gaining muscle and strength.
- Keeping to the training regime laid out above
- Getting a few tests from (see below)
- Doing PCT and will then retest my Testosterone levels
- If everything is back to normal (glucose and test), I may start TRT per a long due diligence process with a legit endocrinologist.
- I may also start a light SARMS cutting stack, maybe
Ordered a few tests from and excited to see where my test levels are before I start my N2generate next week.
Easy at-home screening to check your cholesterol levels and help identify or monitor diabetes. Results in 2-5 days (USA) & Free shipping both ways! Order online, test kits sent confidentially via mail.
Our home Male Hormone Test measures testosterone and SHBG to help identify abnormal androgen status. Results in ~2-5 days (USA)! Order online, test kits sent confidentially via mail. Free shipping both ways!
NEED: Too much going on and I forgot to order the Nolvadex for my PCT. Ordering that today, but not sure which source yet.
Thanks for following!