August 7th 2024
Today I attended a party at work we decided to play sharks and minnows all being grown ass people

but more aggressive to where you had to get pulled out of the water.
The strength from the var showed itself when it took 6 people (each 150-220 pounds) holding me to get my head above water
PED/ supps
50mg anavar
7 n2 gaurds
Fish oil
20mg cardarine
Calcium w d3
300 test
12.5 aromasin
Fasting 16hrs ate from 1-8pm
Cardio: walking 40 min
Swimming 1hr 30x 50yd fly
Wrestling co workers In water 1hr
Alternating seated db curl
40 pounds each arm 12 reps
40 pounds 12 reps
40 pounds 10 reps
High to low curl
70 pounds each arm 15 reps
75 pounds 15 reps
75 pounds 15 reps
Hammer curl
87.5 pounds 12 reps 52.5 reps 15 reps
52.5 25 reps
52.5 30 reps
One arm long rope ext
27.6 25 reps
32.5 15 reps
32.5 15 reps
Skull crushe
70 pounds 15 reps
70 pounds 15 reps
Lat raise
80 pounds 25 reps
90 pounds 25 reps
90 pounds 25 reps
Shoulder press
240 pounds 20 reps
240 pounds 20 reps
360 pounds 15 reps
360 pounds 15 reps