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Approved Log 1st Block Pre-Cycle Log

Sunday morning weigh in. I’m taking this week off to see my kiddo but there’s a pool here that I’m going to get in and do some therapeutic laps. I get home Saturday so this next weekend will be some R&R as well. Feeling under the weather from the flight anyway.
hopefully you're not catching anything let us know
F**k crossfit
I follow a lot of special operators and they incorporate some of those high intensity circuits from CrossFit. I don’t do them often but I would say they compliment my functional body building goals of strength, mobility, endurance.

I’m not doing any cardiovascular focused stuff right now so sprinkling in one of these WOD’s a month will be good to check in and overall support my heart health.

You guys can lift heavy and all day but if you can’t run n gun like I do when I’m training with the boys then you become a liability
I had a flight early Monday morning so Sunday I did the “Cam” WOD and it whooped my ass. More of a HIIT focused on strength endurance and it was nice to check in there and boost my cardiovascular health.







19 FRONT SQUATS (135/95 LB]

@Bravo_Alpha cash out BOOM 66 push ups get that to 100

Sunday morning weigh in. I’m taking this week off to see my kiddo but there’s a pool here that I’m going to get in and do some therapeutic laps. I get home Saturday so this next weekend will be some R&R as well. Feeling under the weather from the flight anyway.
you on point with the weight do IT
Oh man so I ended up gettin sick from the trip out west. I had a feeling that might happen with it being sick season and travel but it was good to see my kiddo. Had to go right back to work when I got home and it took me a week to recover.

I’ll post up my workouts from this weekend later and some measurements. I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and I’m back down to 170 but I fluctuate around 3lbs regularly.

I haven’t felt any tweakiness so maybe the time off did my body some good. I’m just listening to my body and pushing weight where I can; I’d still like to get my bench up this year along with deadlift and back squat but really shifted my focus to good clean super concentrated form and I’m feeling the most effective growth.

Also I will be incorporating more cardiovascular endurance training into my training for sure. For me personally I realize I’m lacking there and how important it is to for my overall health and performance. I want to be able to run, lift, shoot and out compete in any capacity and I ain’t doing that with shit cardio

Hope everyone else is doing well. Ill share some training logs later and update again next weekend.

Bravo out
Here’s my training logs:

Friday chest and triceps with some shoulders because I traded shoulders on Sunday for core


--Barbell Bench Press--
135.0 x 10.0
185.0 x 8.0
185.0 x 5.0
155.0 x 10.0

--Incline Bench Press--high incline smith
100.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 9.0
130.0 x 6.0

--Chest Press--these are low cable flys tech
40.0 x 10.0
50.0 x 10.0
40.0 x 10.0

--Dumbbell Shoulder Press--
52.5 x 8.0
47.5 x 10.0
42.5 x 10.0

--V-Bar Tricep Pushdown--
70.0 x 12.0
80.0 x 6.0
60.0 x 15.0

Saturday was back and biceps again with no barbell work but kettlebell instead to switch it up


--Deadlift-- KB
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
70.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0

--Close Grip Seated Cable Row--
90.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0
135.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0

--Lat Pulldown--
105.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0
135.0 x 8.0
105.0 x 10.0

--Cable Curls--
70.0 x 10.0
80.0 x 10.0
90.0 x 10.0
70.0 x 10.0

--Cross Body Hammer Curl--
27.5 x 10.0
22.5 x 10.0
20.0 x 10.0

Sunday was leg and core focused with a lot of kettlebell work instead of barbell


--Goblet Squat--elevated heels
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
71.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0

--Romanian Deadlift--inclined stance KB
44.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0
44.0 x 10.0

--1-Leg Deadlift--
44.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0
44.0 x 10.0

--Heel Touch / Butt Ups--
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0
*exercises go back to back to complete 1 set
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0

--Oblique Extension--10 each side
44.0 x 20.0
53.0 x 20.0
62.0 x 20.0
53.0 x 20.0
44.0 x 20.0

--Standing Calf Raise--body weight standing
170.0 x 25.0
170.0 x 25.0
170.0 x 35.0
*to failure

--Leg Extention--
70.0 x 10.0
90.0 x 10.0
110.0 x 10.0
130.0 x 10.0
110.0 x 10.0
*drop set

--Farmers Walk--to failure
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
71.0 x 10.0

Measurements were the same yesterday morning except my gut was half an inch smaller and my lat spread/chest is a half inch bigger. Those were pre pump measurements also.
Oh man so I ended up gettin sick from the trip out west. I had a feeling that might happen with it being sick season and travel but it was good to see my kiddo. Had to go right back to work when I got home and it took me a week to recover.

I’ll post up my workouts from this weekend later and some measurements. I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and I’m back down to 170 but I fluctuate around 3lbs regularly.

I haven’t felt any tweakiness so maybe the time off did my body some good. I’m just listening to my body and pushing weight where I can; I’d still like to get my bench up this year along with deadlift and back squat but really shifted my focus to good clean super concentrated form and I’m feeling the most effective growth.

Also I will be incorporating more cardiovascular endurance training into my training for sure. For me personally I realize I’m lacking there and how important it is to for my overall health and performance. I want to be able to run, lift, shoot and out compete in any capacity and I ain’t doing that with shit cardio

Hope everyone else is doing well. Ill share some training logs later and update again next weekend.

Bravo out
to hear that make sure you get plenty of rest and take some time away from the gym
Oh man so I ended up gettin sick from the trip out west. I had a feeling that might happen with it being sick season and travel but it was good to see my kiddo. Had to go right back to work when I got home and it took me a week to recover.

I’ll post up my workouts from this weekend later and some measurements. I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and I’m back down to 170 but I fluctuate around 3lbs regularly.

I haven’t felt any tweakiness so maybe the time off did my body some good. I’m just listening to my body and pushing weight where I can; I’d still like to get my bench up this year along with deadlift and back squat but really shifted my focus to good clean super concentrated form and I’m feeling the most effective growth.

Also I will be incorporating more cardiovascular endurance training into my training for sure. For me personally I realize I’m lacking there and how important it is to for my overall health and performance. I want to be able to run, lift, shoot and out compete in any capacity and I ain’t doing that with shit cardio

Hope everyone else is doing well. Ill share some training logs later and update again next weekend.

Bravo out
I know how that feels.
Oh man so I ended up gettin sick from the trip out west. I had a feeling that might happen with it being sick season and travel but it was good to see my kiddo. Had to go right back to work when I got home and it took me a week to recover.

I’ll post up my workouts from this weekend later and some measurements. I weighed myself yesterday afternoon and I’m back down to 170 but I fluctuate around 3lbs regularly.

I haven’t felt any tweakiness so maybe the time off did my body some good. I’m just listening to my body and pushing weight where I can; I’d still like to get my bench up this year along with deadlift and back squat but really shifted my focus to good clean super concentrated form and I’m feeling the most effective growth.

Also I will be incorporating more cardiovascular endurance training into my training for sure. For me personally I realize I’m lacking there and how important it is to for my overall health and performance. I want to be able to run, lift, shoot and out compete in any capacity and I ain’t doing that with shit cardio

Hope everyone else is doing well. Ill share some training logs later and update again next weekend.

Bravo out
Here’s my training logs:

Friday chest and triceps with some shoulders because I traded shoulders on Sunday for core


--Barbell Bench Press--
135.0 x 10.0
185.0 x 8.0
185.0 x 5.0
155.0 x 10.0

--Incline Bench Press--high incline smith
100.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 9.0
130.0 x 6.0

--Chest Press--these are low cable flys tech
40.0 x 10.0
50.0 x 10.0
40.0 x 10.0

--Dumbbell Shoulder Press--
52.5 x 8.0
47.5 x 10.0
42.5 x 10.0

--V-Bar Tricep Pushdown--
70.0 x 12.0
80.0 x 6.0
60.0 x 15.0

Saturday was back and biceps again with no barbell work but kettlebell instead to switch it up


--Deadlift-- KB
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
70.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0

--Close Grip Seated Cable Row--
90.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0
135.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0

--Lat Pulldown--
105.0 x 10.0
120.0 x 10.0
135.0 x 8.0
105.0 x 10.0

--Cable Curls--
70.0 x 10.0
80.0 x 10.0
90.0 x 10.0
70.0 x 10.0

--Cross Body Hammer Curl--
27.5 x 10.0
22.5 x 10.0
20.0 x 10.0

Sunday was leg and core focused with a lot of kettlebell work instead of barbell


--Goblet Squat--elevated heels
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
71.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0

--Romanian Deadlift--inclined stance KB
44.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0
44.0 x 10.0

--1-Leg Deadlift--
44.0 x 10.0
53.0 x 10.0
44.0 x 10.0

--Heel Touch / Butt Ups--
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0
*exercises go back to back to complete 1 set
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0
Heel Touch - 25.0 x 25.0
Butt Ups - 25.0 x 25.0

--Oblique Extension--10 each side
44.0 x 20.0
53.0 x 20.0
62.0 x 20.0
53.0 x 20.0
44.0 x 20.0

--Standing Calf Raise--body weight standing
170.0 x 25.0
170.0 x 25.0
170.0 x 35.0
*to failure

--Leg Extention--
70.0 x 10.0
90.0 x 10.0
110.0 x 10.0
130.0 x 10.0
110.0 x 10.0
*drop set

--Farmers Walk--to failure
53.0 x 10.0
62.0 x 10.0
71.0 x 10.0

Measurements were the same yesterday morning except my gut was half an inch smaller and my lat spread/chest is a half inch bigger. Those were pre pump measurements also.
@Bravo_Alpha good you're back at it and volume is pushing it
even when sick try your best to train
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